
发布时间:2018-07-26 19:39
[Abstract]:With the arrival of big data era, the demand for high-dimensional data processing technology has increased rapidly, which has promoted the research progress of sparse signal processing and compression sensing, especially the development of efficient sparse reconstruction algorithm. In this paper, the traditional 0-norm optimization algorithm and the (generalized) approximate messaging algorithm, which have been paid more and more attention in recent years, are studied. Aiming at the problem that the approximate message passing type algorithm is easy to diverge for the Gao Si dictionary matrix with non-zero mean and small variance, three improved generalized approximate message passing algorithms are proposed. In order to propose a second improved generalized approximate messaging algorithm, two new matching and tracking algorithms with 0-norm optimization are proposed. The third improved generalized approximate messaging algorithm introduces a new tracking process which uses the edge posteriori probability change of each component of sparse vector to find non-zero element subscript. The tracking process is different from the way in which the residual errors used in matching tracing are related to the calculation of dictionary matrix columns. The main innovation of this paper includes four parts: 1. A generalized approximate message passing algorithm for matching tracing is proposed. By using the standard matching tracing program, the nonzero position of the sparse vector is found consistently, and the amplitude of the non-zero position is estimated by using the generalized approximate message passing algorithm with fixed support set. This method can significantly improve the robustness of generalized approximate messaging algorithm. Then the convergence of the algorithm is analyzed from the point of constructing the tree structure factor graph. In order to overcome the shortcoming that the orthogonal matching tracing process can not remove the position of non-zero elements in the support set, two new matching tracking algorithms are proposed to randomly disrupt and update the support set elements. They are called random split support set orthogonal matching tracing and random regularized matching tracing respectively. The latter is an improvement on the former. Then the convergence of the stochastic regularized matching tracking algorithm is proved theoretically, and the convergence condition is given. According to the previous two parts, the random regularization matching tracking algorithm is combined with the fixed support set generalized approximate message passing algorithm, and the generalized approximate message passing algorithm of random regularized matching tracking is obtained. Then the convergence and convergence conditions of the generalized approximate messaging algorithm with fixed support set are analyzed theoretically by using replica method. The generalized approximate message passing algorithm with Bernoulli-Gaussian prior distribution can be interpreted as a tracing process by using the edge posteriori probability variation of each element of the sparse vector estimated in the iterative process. Then the generalized approximate messaging algorithm of fixed support set is used to estimate the amplitude of the support set. For the above algorithms, the simulation data and the real world data are used as the input of the algorithms, and the characteristics of these algorithms are investigated and verified. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can recover the sparse vector well under the condition of more general dictionary matrix for the compressed perception problem.


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