
发布时间:2018-07-31 14:41
[Abstract]:Laser welding technology has the advantages of large laser power, small spot diameter, good beam quality, small heat affected area and large depth width ratio. It can realize the connection between different kinds of materials and excellent welding quality. In the process of laser welding, it is the key to ensure the accurate alignment of the weld center by controlling the laser beam in real time. The light spot diameter of the beam is small (generally less than 200 m), which is sensitive to the size of the weld gap, and requires that the weld gap be as small as possible. The traditional structure optical vision method uses the abrupt characteristics of the structure light across the weld position to realize the weld recognition, but can not identify the weld less than the 0.10mm gap. There are a lot of smoke in the actual industrial welding site. With the influence of the interference of splash and plasma, the ordinary camera can not clearly capture the accurate information of the weld pool and the micro gap weld position, and there is a severe heat transfer effect in the process of laser welding. The welding process parameters and the assembly of the workpiece and the fixed precision are very high, and the small change can lead to serious welding defects. As a result, it is a prerequisite for accurate control of the laser beam to make it always positive and tracking weld is the prerequisite for ensuring the quality of laser welding. This paper compares the advantages and disadvantages of the existing welding seam recognition and tracking methods. Combined with the actual industrial demand, the paper focuses on the study of the laser welding micro gap (less than 0.20mm) weld recognition technology of magneto optic imaging weld. Light welding with equal thickness, no slope, close butt, undistinguishable micro gap weld, magneto-optical imaging sensor based on Faraday magneto-optical effect principle to obtain magnetic and optical images of weld, and to design and build a laser welded stainless steel close butt weld magneto-optical imaging test flat (second chapter), to study the micro gap weld before laser welding. The characteristics and mechanism of magneto-optical imaging can be used to detect the position of the micro gap weld. It lays the foundation for the seam recognition and tracking in the follow-up laser welding process and ensures the quality of the laser welding. First, the welding parts are placed on the servo worktable, and the magnetic generator is placed under the weld, and the excitation voltage is changed around the weld line by adjusting the excitation voltage of the magnetic field generator. According to the Faraday electromagnetic induction effect and the magnetic field intensity of the induction magnetic field, the flow is affected when the eddy current exists in the weld gap on the flow path, and the eddy will distort at the weld position, and the distorted eddy current will produce the distorted eddy current magnetic field, resulting in the distribution of the vertical magnetic field at this position. Change. The change of eddy magnetic field change into corresponding light intensity change through magneto-optical sensor, real-time imaging of weld seam, the correlation between magneto optic imaging characteristics of micro gap weld and weld position. The results show that the excitation voltage, the distance between magneto optic sensor and welding part, welding speed, weld gap size and so on, and the micro gap weld magnetism The change of optical imaging is more sensitive. Secondly, the characteristics of the magneto-optical image of the micro gap weld (gray feature, gray gradient feature, color space feature and texture feature) are used to explore the regularity between the features and the position of the micro gap weld. The characteristics of the gray degree and gray gradient distribution of the magneto optic images of the micro gap weld are analyzed, and the global threshold and edge are used to get the edge of the weld. The edge operator can extract the contour of the weld transition zone and recognize its central position as the position coordinates of the weld center, but the selection of the threshold is not universal. When the magnetic imaging test parameters of the micro gap weld are changed, many repeated tests are needed to select the appropriate threshold. Using the color space features of the weld magneto-optical image, the color space of RGB and HSV is empty. The weld position coordinates are extracted after calculating the gray distribution characteristics of each color component, and the precision of the weld position measurement accuracy is higher than that of the gray map. Finally, the characteristics of the magneto-optical image sequence of the micro gap weld are analyzed, and each pixel is determined by the time domain change and correlation in the image sequence. The application of optical flow method and gradient vector flow model to the recognition of magneto optical image in micro gap weld is studied. In addition, the recognition model of weld position is constructed by artificial neural network, particle filter and Calman filtering algorithm. Finally, the recognition, tracking and prediction of micro gap weld seam can be realized, and the welding is ensured. Quality. Through this series of research work, the main achievements are obtained as follows: (1) the study of the intrinsic relationship between the weld magneto-optical imaging and the actual conditions of the weld and other factors. For a specific magnetic and optical sensor, the main factor affecting the magneto-optical imaging of the micro gap welds is the Faraday magneto-optical effect, and the related factors include the excitation electricity. Pressure, the distance (lift off degree), weld shape and welding speed of the excitation coil and the weldment. The test shows that the magnetic induction intensity around the weld changes with the size of the excitation voltage changed for the same micro gap weld, and the magnetic induction intensity at the weld position is at the symmetry center of the magnetic field (N pole and S pole) on both sides. The transition zone of the weld transition zone moves up and down with the change of the excitation voltage, but the offset of the magneto optic weld position obtained under two different magnetic field strength is constant, that is, the offset can be ignored in a specific magnetic field intensity environment and does not affect the actual weld recognition and tracking. Speed, the measurement value of the weld position of the magneto optic imaging is basically constant, that is, the welding speed is only influenced by the penetration of the workpiece and the number of the image collection frames, and there is no influence on the detection of the position of the micro gap weld. The more clearer the image is. The closer the distance between the magneto-optical sensor and the weldment is, the closer the distance between the magneto-optical sensor and the weldment is, the smaller the weld position transition region is, the more clear the image of the weld area is. (2) the extraction and analysis of the characteristics of the magneto-optical image of the micro gap weld. The characteristics of the micro gap welding seam magneto optical image include the gray feature and the grayscale gradient special. Signs, texture features and image sequence characteristics. The weld is in the middle of two pieces of parent material, and the weld position is scanned vertically. There is a significant difference in the gray distribution of the left and right sides of the weld. The gray distribution at the weld position can be used to detect the position of the weld center. The gray gradient distribution of all the magneto optical images of the weld is scanned. Curve, the line corresponding to the maximum value of grayscale gradient is used as the upper and lower edge coordinates of the weld transition zone, and the center coordinates of the upper and lower edges of the weld transition zone are calculated as the position coordinates of the weld. Three subimages of the same size are extracted in the weld area of the image and the base material on the base of the weld, and the sub images are calculated. The texture features (including: average brightness, standard deviation, smoothness, three moment, consistency, entropy 1, energy, correlation, entropy 2, inverse moment, etc.), use the difference of the texture features to divide the weld and the base area. (3) the detection of the weld position of the micro gap weld magneto optical imaging. The continuous image sequence of the micro gap weld is collected, and the overlap time is overlapped. According to the time domain characteristics and correlation of image sequence, the corresponding pixel points at the peak of the U component in the optical flow field are extracted as the weld position.H-S (Horn, Schunck) method for welding seam recognition. Most of the weld position is in accordance with the actual value of the weld position, because the magnetic and optical image of the weld is noisy. The welding seam extraction method of the optical flow method has a large fluctuation in several parts. In engineering practice, according to the engineering experience, a threshold value is set to remove the fluctuating value as a rough error. Meanwhile, the application of the gradient vector flow field in the segmentation of the magneto-optical image in the micro gap weld is analyzed, and the weld seam in the region of interest is used. The edge is regarded as an uninterrupted curve with energy. Under the control point energy control, the active contour is deformed. The active contour is expanded to the weld target area under the joint action of the control point, external force and image force, and the weld position detection is finally realized. (4) the establishment of the recognition model of the micro gap weld position. Based on the BP neural network, based on the Elman neural network and the Calman filter to predict the weld position model, a prediction model for the weld position of the feedforward neural network is designed. The weld position at the present time is estimated by the difference between the weld position and the weld position at the first time. The weld position of the BP neural network and the Elman network is compared. The results show that the prediction ability of the BP neural network is stronger than that of the Elman neural network, and it can predict the weld position effectively, and the measurement accuracy is better than that of the Elman network. The Kalman filter is used to track and predict the micro gap weld, and the optimal estimation of the system state is obtained on the premise of the known weld position measurement information. Finally, the optimal prediction and estimation of the weld position are realized. After Kalman filter, the noise interference is greatly suppressed and the tracking accuracy is effectively improved.


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