
发布时间:2018-08-05 09:58
[Abstract]:With the explosive growth of data, the problem of data storage becomes more and more independent and difficult. The storage service in the cloud computing is just to cater to this market opportunity to provide an outsourced storage solution to a resource limited multi tenant. In the cloud storage, the user stores the data on a remote cloud server and is provided by a cloud service provider. However, the benefit of cloud service providers is driven to work in a semi trusted or malicious mode, which makes it urgent for the user to have the privacy protection function of the cloud storage system to prevent unauthorized sharing of outsourced data in the outsourced storage. Efficient and flexible data security sharing has become an urgent problem to be solved. This paper studies the above problems from two methods of hierarchical key management and attribute based encryption in cipher domain access control. The main achievements are as follows: (1) the fine granularity of cloud outsourced data for the dynamic changes of the user shared privileges. In addition, the hierarchical key management solution also requires the data owner to communicate one to one communication with the users involved in the various access groups through the secure channel. Once access to the group, the data owner is required to access the group. In order to avoid this defect, we propose an autonomous hierarchical key management scheme for outsourced data sharing. This scheme combines multiple rights group key management and hierarchical key management in each design. The main feature is that the data owner manages the hierarchical structure of each access group only through the public parameters of the system, and the users in each of the access groups obtain the symmetric encryption key corresponding to the group by the group key negotiation based on the multilinear mapping. Users and users of the corresponding high level access groups can publish update information for users in the low level access group involved. After obtaining this update, these low-level access groups can independently compute the new symmetric encryption keys corresponding to their groups. (2) currently, it is safe and has a direct key derivative. The hierarchical key management scheme needs to encrypt the public information in the system. This will increase the computing overhead of the system establishment and dynamic key management. By using the vector product in linear geometry to process the hierarchical structure between groups, we give a solution for the security sharing of cloud outsourced data based on the hierarchical key management. In this scheme, the data owner exposes a vector for each access group, and the matrix of all the vectors is the main public parameter of the system. At the same time, the data owner assigns the corresponding private information to the group for each user. Through the private information, the users in the group can calculate the corresponding privacy of the group. There is a vector. Then we calculate the inner product of the private key vector and the public vector corresponding to the group. The users in the group can get the symmetric encryption keys corresponding to the group. If two groups of access groups do not have a hierarchical relationship, the vectors associated with them will have orthogonality, that is, the inner product of the vectors is zero. If the two The access group has a hierarchical relationship, and the private vector of the high level access group and the inner product of the public vector of the low level access group correspond to an indirect key. Using this indirect key, the users in the high level access group can obtain the symmetric plus secret key of the low level access group corresponding to the key pipe of the dynamic sharing rights. On the other hand, the data owner only needs to update the public matrix in the system. Through the security analysis and simulation results, we can see that the scheme is safe and efficient. (3) in the face of the cloud storage system in the multi authorization center, we propose a dual factor outsourcing data sharing solution. This scheme integrates the identity base. Two techniques of encryption and cipher based attribute based encryption. One user can obtain the shared data of the owner of the data. Besides the access control strategy in the ciphertext, the user also requires that the user obtain the authorization key from the data owner. Furthermore, the proposed scheme also has a fixed cipher length. By using cloud server aided re encryption technology, the scheme implements a double decker revocation mechanism: attribute layer revocation corresponding to attribute authorization center and user layer cancellation corresponding to data owner. And the revocation process is completed under the open channel, and can resist the channel eavesdropping attack of the revocation user. Security analysis, performance The comparison and simulation results show that the scheme is effective in solving the problem of cloud outsourcing data security sharing under multiple authorization centers.


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