
发布时间:2018-08-06 15:53
[Abstract]:With the progress of the times and the development of information technology, the human production and the way of life have also changed. Among them, education information has been given unparalleled value and mission. In particular, under the premise of the clear requirements for the wisdom education in the current national intelligent city pilot construction documents, the wisdom education has been in the society. The three link and two platform is one of the core goals and the landmark projects in the 12th Five-Year planning, which can provide a reliable approach and technical guarantee for the learning of wisdom, and its related design. And deployment is also one of the main topics of current national education and research work. Mathematics learning helps students to collect, organize, describe information, establish mathematical models, connect with real life problems, and have a unique role and value for improving students' ability to migrate, reasoning, abstract, imagination, and creativity. < full time. The mathematics curriculum standards of compulsory education also clearly put forward the important influence of modern information technology on the change of the way of learning and teaching, the design and implementation of the curriculum. But at present, in the practical teaching of mathematics in junior middle school, most teachers only use information technology as a new teaching method, and support the original teaching ideas and methods. The original teaching ideas and methods are mainly knowledge teaching and training. This is not a need for information technology and can not really cultivate students' creative thinking ability. Therefore, although many areas and schools have been equipped with modern teaching equipment such as e-book bag or education cloud platform, the "wisdom teaching" is built. "Room", "intelligent campus", "intelligent education cloud platform" and so on, has not played its due role in the training of talents. In view of the above common problems, this article mainly from understanding the process of internalization of students' knowledge, realizing the individualized learning of students, cultivating students' interest in learning, promoting students to carry on deep study, and exploring junior high school numbers. The basic structure of the learning model of intelligent learning is studied. On this basis, the overall framework of network learning space, learning support tool and learning engine are analyzed. The main research work includes the following aspects: 1. the analysis of junior middle school mathematics and the application of space in Teaching: This study is in analysis On the basis of the characteristics and subject ontology, we carry out the investigation and Research on the supporting situation of the mathematics teaching in the existing learning space. Through the data analysis, it combs the problems and needs of the application of space implementation problems at the present stage, and provides a targeted learning and realistic basis for the.2. junior high school mathematics learning model for the construction of the intelligent learning model. Construction: on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the process of learning and the characteristics of the key elements, the core elements of the construction of the intelligent learning model are clarified, and the mathematical wisdom learning model in junior middle school should be based on the problem solving and the cultivation of innovative ability as the value orientation. In order to provide individualized and immediate support for learners in the process of adjusting shallow learning and deep learning mode, this paper puts forward the design of the support space for junior high school mathematics wisdom learning model (ADC).3. junior high school mathematics wisdom learning. Intelligent learning support space design dimension, summarize the main dimension of the information technology support mode, and then carry out the overall design of the intelligent learning support space, and the main support system of the detailed design of.4. junior high school mathematics learning model and space model case and effect analysis: This study combined with junior high school number A specific case of a specific lesson is introduced in the specific case of intelligent learning and space use. In the case, three different learning levels are provided for the learners to provide three problem situations and solutions for the learners, which realizes the individualized and intelligent learning of the learners and promotes the improvement of the learners' thinking and motivation level. Finally, the case is aimed at the case Through the case study, this study proves that the proposed model can effectively solve the problem of students' lack of learning depth, lack of interest in learning, single learning path, and fixed learning path, which provides a theoretical framework for the implementation of personalized learning and intelligent learning, and the technique proposed at the same time. The way of operation fusion is to clarify the application direction of information technology to effectively support the learning model of wisdom. The support space of mathematics wisdom learning in junior middle school can provide students with a kind of real time learning, science, and effective learning environment for everyone.


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