[Abstract]:In recent years, mobile Internet and social media have sprung up, gradually replacing traditional blogs, BBS forums, as the main platform for people to socialize, learn, and entertain. At the same time, with the wide acceptance of the whole society, especially the mobile Internet, the number of connected users and the user generated data (UGC). Explosive growth. Compared with previous Internet media technologies (such as mail, forums, blogs), social media records are more rich in data, timely and more timeliness. In particular, micro-blog type social media data has become a public platform for information release, interuser interaction, and event discovery diffusion. In order to make full use of this data source, the academic community has carried out a wide range of social network theory, user behavior patterns, public event development rules, and rumor discovery detection methods, in order to make full use of this data source. In general, the valuable information contained in the large data of social media requires new data processing and analytical methods to solve them. However, new challenges and problems have been formed by the short length, poor quality, rapid change and weak correlation of the social media data, which makes the traditional data mining methods incapable. In response to the challenges of "sequence", "behavioural" and "multi source" in social media data, the goal of a user credit portrait based on social data is better implemented. This paper carries out an efficient sequence mining algorithm for micro-blog type data, based on the user's credit portrait of the implicit behavior model of micro-blog users, based on feature design and integrated learning fusion. Research on three aspects of user credit portrait of multi source information. In addition, in the research process of user credit image algorithm under micro-blog data, this paper makes a summary and prospect for the user portrait algorithm on social large data. In particular, the main research content, innovation and academic contributions of this paper include the following three aspects: 1) Micro-blog data is presented to the user in the form of time line (Timeline), which is essentially an event type sequence data. Event sequence data mining, in addition to considering the frequency of the project (item), also starts to consider the utility of the project (utility), and then implements efficient fragment mining. This paper proposes a multiple optimization strategy for the existing high utility episode mining algorithm, which makes the algorithm running speed and memory efficiency improved on a large scale. More important, the word sequence prefix tree mining framework introduced in this paper has a tighter pruning threshold value estimation, which makes the event sequence efficient use of events. Fragment mining algorithm becomes fast and practical (third chapter).2) every micro-blog in micro-blog data contains text content and context information related to user behavior. Text and behavior two data sources can provide data support for user's credit model at the same time, but simple feature extraction is then used. In order to realize the user's credit picture based on the behavior pattern, this paper, through the modeling method of the probability graph model, combines the observable user text with a variety of behavior features to obtain the user's implicit behavior pattern which provides input for the prediction of the letter. The probabilistic theme model, LUBD-CM, is designed to assume that a micro-blog is generated by the same topic and that both the behavior data and the text data on micro-blog are constrained by the assigned topic. The experimental results show that the LUBD-CM model is a simplified variant of the LUBD-CM, the traditional LDA, and the simple Bayes algorithm, for the prediction performance of the user credit label. Promotion (fourth chapter).3) user data on social platform, except user generated content, including user personal information, social network relationship. Different sources of user social data contain different types of information related to user credit. However, the "immediacy" of micro-blog social data causes the data quality to be generally very low and difficult to be used as a standard. Quasi classifier such as SVM, the input of the decision tree and the higher user tag prediction performance. In order to fuse the effective information of the credit picture in the multi-source heterogeneous social data, this paper, starting with the personal credit related domain knowledge, analyzes a wide variety of possible feature design schemes to select better social features and use the double layer integration. Learning framework, fully mining the effective information hidden in a variety of social characteristics, so as to realize the comprehensive stack method, the promotion method and the integration method user credit picture prediction system (fifth chapter). It is worth mentioning that the series data mining for micro-blog social data, the user portrait method and the user generated by this paper His type of social data (such as Facebook data, WeChat data) is largely applicable. Although this paper focuses on the prediction and portrait of the user's credit attributes, the new method is also applicable to other types of personal tags such as age, sex, or marital status.
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