[Abstract]:In many computer vision tasks, one of the intrinsic difficulties is to generate well-discriminatory image representation, i.e. high-performance image features. Since image features are robust enough to deal with intra-class variations and discriminant enough to deal with inter-class variations, designing excellent image features is a challenging task. Image features are generally divided into image block hierarchical features and image level features (i.e. local features and global features), the former is used to describe an image block and the latter is used to describe a complete image. The main research results are summarized as follows: (1) Firstly, a new image layer feature representation is proposed for image classification. The traditional Bag-of-Words model completely discards the spatial distribution information of features and loses some discriminant power. Spatial Correlogram (SCR) is a feature representation method, which describes the spatial distribution of local features by capturing the frequency of common occurrence of visual word pairs in the spatial range, thus improving the discriminant ability of image recognition. In addition, we combine the correlation graph features with the spatial pyramid model to generate a hybrid feature. Detailed experiments on the scene/object database show that the proposed correlation graph features and hybrid features can achieve higher image classification accuracy than the traditional word packet model. (2) Secondly, this paper proposes a new image classification method. Efficient Kernel Descriptor (EKD) is a new feature representation of image blocks. The design of image block features also belongs to the basic research content in the field of computer vision. Excellent image block feature representation can effectively improve the performance of image classification, object recognition and other related algorithms, but artificially designed images. Kernel Descriptor (KD) method provides a new way to generate image block features. Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) method is applied to feature representation based on matching kernel functions between image blocks. However, this method needs all joint basis vectors to generate kernel descriptor features, which results in high time complexity. Therefore, we design an efficient kernel descriptor algorithm. The algorithm is based on the incomplete Cholesky decomposition and automatically selects a small number of Pivot associations. The experimental results show that the efficient kernel descriptor (EKD) achieves better performance than the original kernel descriptor (KD) in image / scene classification applications. (3) Thirdly, on the basis of constructing an efficient kernel descriptor (EKD), we propose a new image layer feature representation, which is efficient. Efficient Hierarchical Kernel Descriptor (EHKD). Primitive Kernel Descriptor (KD) features can only be used to describe image blocks, so Bo et al. proposed Hierarchical Kernel Descriptor (HI KD) to describe the whole image in the framework of kernel descriptor (KD) algorithm. The construction process is similar to that of the kernel descriptor (KD), so the generation hierarchical kernel descriptor (HKD) algorithm will also encounter the computational efficiency problem in the generation kernel descriptor (KD) algorithm. To overcome this problem, we design an efficient hierarchical kernel descriptor algorithm. The experimental results show that the efficient hierarchical kernel descriptor (EHKD) has advantages over the hierarchical kernel descriptor (HKD) in computational efficiency and feature representation ability. (4) Finally, a supervised image block feature representation is proposed. Supervised Efficient Kernel Descriptor (SEKD). The previously mentioned kernel descriptor (KD) methods and efficient kernel descriptor (EKD) methods belong to the category of unsupervised learning. They design block-level features through similarity between image blocks and display them. Compared with the hand-designed image block features, these two methods give the interpretation of gradient-oriented histogram from the point of view of kernel, and use the information of pixels to "grow" the image block hierarchical features. Considering the label information of the image block itself, it is necessary to design a feature learning method which integrates the label information of the image in supervised mode. For this reason, we propose an efficient kernel descriptor algorithm based on supervised learning. The algorithm is based on the incomplete Cholesky decomposition algorithm which integrates the label information of the image class. Supervised Learning Efficient Kernel Descriptor (SEKD) has the advantage of shorter representation dimension and stronger discriminant ability than unsupervised learning.
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