[Abstract]:With the rapid development of space technology, marine technology and atomic energy technology, there is an urgent need for a large number of advanced robots working in dangerous and unknown environments. Telebot, which can expand human ability to control remote devices, has attracted the attention of a large number of researchers. In teleoperation robot system, communication delay is inevitable, which will affect the performance of interactive teleoperation robot system, and even cause instability of the system. Therefore, it is of theoretical significance and practical value to study how to design the controller of tele-robot system with communication channel delay. This paper aims at stability and tracking performance between master-slave computers, based on Lyapunov functional method, using Youla parameter transformation tool and optimization idea. In this paper, the design methods of various controllers for teleoperation robot systems with communication channel delay are studied. The research and innovation of this paper are as follows: 1) for linear teleoperation robot systems with fixed communication delay, a stable control framework for a class of tele-robot systems is proposed by using the quadratic invariance of decentralized controllers. The stability of the system is ensured when the communication delay starts from scratch. The frame simulates the output signal generated by the external input force and uses it only as the reference signal of the controller. This control framework does not need to assume any operation force and environment. A design scheme of guaranteed cost controller is proposed to solve the problem that the communication delay is time-varying and the operator and environment are non-passive. The delay-dependent stability criterion and optimal control algorithm of closed-loop system are derived to ensure the performance of position tracking, velocity tracking and force tracking between master and slave. 3) an acceleration feedback control scheme is designed for the nonlinear teleoperation robot system with fixed communication delay, and the stability criterion of the input state of the closed-loop control system is given. In this scheme, the acceleration signal feedback from the end of the main robot is used, and the superposition signal of position error and nonlinear damping is used from the end of the robot to avoid the problem of contact instability. Compared with other methods, this method speeds up the synchronization of the system and improves the tracking performance. 4) an acceleration feedback control scheme is designed for nonlinear telerobot systems with time-varying communication delay, and a small gain condition for the stability of closed-loop teleoperation robot systems is given. The scheme uses the acceleration signal feedback from the end of the main robot and the superposition signal of position error and linear damping from the end of the robot to ensure the stability of the system under the condition that the forward and reverse communication delay is time-varying and has upper and lower bounds.
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