[Abstract]:Infrared imaging technology, also known as thermal imaging technology, is a kind of night vision technology. It is a passive infrared thermal imaging technology, which is an imaging technique for obtaining visible light image recognizable by human eye by converting thermal radiation of object into electric signal. Infrared thermal imaging technology is not affected by weather, illumination, electromagnetic interference and so on. It is an imaging technology that can work all-day and all-weather. After many years of vigorous development, the infrared thermal imaging technology has been widely used in many fields, such as military and civil, but there are still two problems: (1) the limitation of production process, detector material and image processing technology; Neither the spatial resolution nor the temperature resolution of the infrared image is high. moreover, the infrared image is a black-and-white image, does not have color information, limits the amount of information carried by the image, increases the difficulty of image interpretation, and (2) the infrared imaging device is widely applied to a moving platform such as a missile, an aircraft, a ship, a navigation system and the like, The platform jitter also greatly affects the imaging effect. Therefore, from the theory of infrared thermal imaging technology, in order to improve the existing problem, it is very important to promote the application of infrared thermal imaging technology in military and civil fields. In order to improve the image quality of infrared sequence, a new image enhancement algorithm, image stabilization algorithm and colorization algorithm are presented, which are as follows: (1) Infrared image enhancement technology. Based on the characteristics of infrared imaging, the key problem of infrared image enhancement is studied deeply. Two image enhancement algorithms for improving the quality of infrared image are proposed, which are multi-scale retinal cortex based on adaptive scale factor (Multi-dimension Retinex). MSR) algorithm and adaptive infrared enhancement algorithm based on bilateral filter (BF) and MS R. The MSR algorithm is improved, the key scaling factor in MSR algorithm is redefined, and MSR algorithm based on adaptive scale factor is proposed. The algorithm improves the enhancement effect of MSR algorithm on infrared image, and proves the effectiveness of the algorithm. An adaptive infrared image enhancement algorithm based on BF and MSR is proposed. It is a new adaptive enhancement algorithm with image enhancement and dynamic range compression by choosing the key parameters in the adaptive selection BF. Finally, the validity, practicability and adaptability of the algorithm are proved by experiments. (2) Infrared sequence image stabilization technology. Based on the imaging characteristics of the infrared imaging equipment based on the motion platform, the causes and characteristics of video sequence jitter are analyzed. In this paper, the geometric model and motion model of image are discussed, a new motion estimation algorithm is proposed and the motion filtering algorithm is improved, and a new stable image algorithm framework is proposed. The BRISK algorithm is introduced, and a motion estimation algorithm based on BRIK algorithm is proposed to realize global motion estimation more effectively. The experiment proves the validity and superiority of the proposed algorithm. Through the analysis and discussion of several commonly used motion filtering methods, a motion filtering algorithm based on Kalman particle filtering is introduced. The method can realize the separation of complex scanning motion and random vibration better. A more efficient method of boundary region compensation is proposed in order to effectively realize the panoramic output of the image. Based on the key algorithm described above, the experiment results are compared and verified by using different algorithms. The experimental results show the feasibility and validity of the proposed algorithm. (3) colorization technology of infrared image. In this paper, a variety of typical colorization techniques are discussed in this paper, and the colorization algorithm based on color transfer is studied. In this paper, some factors which influence the color transfer algorithm are analyzed in detail. The influence of color space on colorization effect is deeply studied. On the basis of this, the traditional algorithm is improved so that it is more suitable for colorization processing of infrared image. In this paper, a new LLE-based color transfer algorithm is proposed, and its validity is verified by experiments.
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