[Abstract]:Document fusion is the key technology of organizing text and integrating information, and it is also the important foundation of natural language generation. The purpose of this technique is to integrate important information across multiple documents to generate concise and smooth abstracts. Unlike the traditional task of generating abstracts, the abstract not only covers the common information in the collection of subject documents, but also embodies the important difference information. It is not only the extraction of key content, but also the integration of related content. Among them, how to get the topic concept in the document collection and the topic development that these topic concept extends, and arrange the key information in the whole set according to certain logical and organized order. It is an important research topic to cluster and organize text or sentence based on different topic content. This paper mainly explores the key technologies involved in the document fusion task from three aspects, the details of which are as follows: 1. The document fusion task integrates the relevant information of the same event or object. Taking the news event as an example, different news reports describe the same news event, and based on different perspectives, the information presented is different. Follow-up reports will also appear with the development of events with the emergence of new relevant information. In order to effectively remove redundant information and obtain topic and related information, this paper proposes an object merging framework based on fuzzy multi-set theory. Based on the merging function, the multiple sets corresponding to the document set and the fuzzy multiple sets corresponding to the concepts in a single document are combined, and then the merging function is evaluated and optimized by using the effectiveness evaluation function. In order to obtain the key concepts and related words. 2. Document fusion needs logical content arrangement, taking sentences as processing "granularity", extracting sentences containing key concepts and development clues from the document collection, sorting these sentences by sorting fusion technology to form logical smooth, and making use of sorting and fusion technology to sort these sentences to form logical fluency, which contains the key concepts and development clues in the document collection. A new text structure with strong readability. In this paper, the topic sentence clustering and graph model are used to combine and model the sorting sentences, and the problem of sentence sequencing is transformed into the path optimization problem of continuous Hopfield neural network. A shortest path is found among the nodes in the graph corresponding to the topic cluster. Finally, the output sequence of the path is used as the optimal sorting scheme. Document fusion needs to solve the basic problem of subject content partition. Due to the lack of domain background knowledge, there are still difficulties in topic clustering for specific events or specific domains, and it is difficult to extract relevant features effectively in this kind of clustering problem. In this paper, domain knowledge acquisition based on domain ontology is proposed to guide feature selection. These features are represented by vector space model, and fuzzy equivalence relation matrix is obtained by matrix transformation to realize clustering. This method is an unsupervised method, does not need to label data manually in advance, does not need training process, so it has high flexibility and automatic processing ability in organizing documents in special fields.
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