[Abstract]:Data classification is one of the most basic learning tasks of machine learning. With the development of networked information, the data complexity of the required classification is getting higher and higher. Multi-core learning is an effective method for classification of complex data sets due to the strong ability of describing data features. From a classification point of view, the data set is divided into an input data portion, a spatial or attribute information of the data, and a corresponding output data portion, which is the category label information of the data. Input data samples, from natural world or engineering, often have inherent constraints or constraints, which can be described in nature by a mathematical manifold. The manifold constraints of the input data samples in their space are the intrinsic characteristics of the data and are important information for people to identify the target. However, the multi-core classification method has not fully utilized the manifold constraint information of the input data samples. In order to use the manifold constraint information of the input data samples, this paper presents a supervised manifold regularization multi-core classification model with input data sample manifold constraint information. In order to obtain the manifold constraint information of the input data samples in their space, it is necessary to describe their neighbor relation degree in space. ) At the same time, the class label information, which is expressed by the output data, is considered, that is, the degree of neighbor relation between the same class data is higher than that of the neighbor relation among the different class data. In the end, this paper gives a manifold regularized multi-core classification model with a supervised type of input data sample manifold constraint, considering the manifold regular term of the supervised type input data sample manifold constraint of the reference label information, and establishing a supervised type manifold regularized multi-core classification model with input data sample manifold constraint. The algorithm of this model is given. The results of the comparison of supervised classification simulation tests show that a supervised manifold regularization multi-core classification model with input data sample manifold constraints is effective. In the actual project, the output part of the data is generally the fact that the reference number and the no-label are present at the same time. In this paper, a supervised type manifold regularization multi-core classification model with input data sample manifold constraints is expanded into a semi-supervised classification model. First, the neighbor relation between all input data samples is obtained by the Euclidean distance, and the manifold constraint information of the input data sample is obtained; and then, the multi-kernel function in the extended-supervised manifold regularized multi-core classification model is used for the matrix of all input data samples and the manifold regular information of the manifold constraint information of all the input data samples is calculated; therefore, The expansion model is a kind of semi-supervised manifold regularized multi-core classification model which can comprehensively utilize the data samples with the label and the no-label. In this paper, the solution algorithm, the error analysis and the semi-supervised classification simulation test of the semi-supervised manifold regularized multi-core classification model are presented. The results show the effectiveness of the model in the semi-supervised classification. In order to improve the self-adaptability and classification accuracy of the model, a semi-supervised manifold regularized multi-core classification model is presented in this paper. On the one hand, the automatic selection method of the parameters of a multi-kernel function in a semi-supervised manifold regularization multi-core classification model is proposed. On the other hand, In this paper, the constrained form of multi-core combined weight in a semi-supervised manifold regularized multi-core classification model is improved, and a model general solution of a p-norm constrained multi-core combined weight is given. In this paper, by improving the mathematical expression of the semi-supervised manifold regularization multi-core classification model and designing the solution algorithm, the kernel function parameter value to be selected is transformed into the solution of the algorithm. And the specific value of the kernel function parameter is automatically determined. in the aspect of improving the constraint of the multi-core combined weight, the general p-norm constraint is improved by the fixed 1-norm constraint of the multi-core combination weight in the semi-supervised manifold regularization multi-core classification model, The solution theorem of the semi-supervised manifold regularized multi-core classification model with p-norm constrained multi-core combined weight and its proof are given. In this paper, the semi-supervised and semi-supervised classification model is compared with the two-aspect improved semi-supervised classification model. The experimental results show that the semi-supervised manifold regularized multi-core classification model and the semi-supervised manifold regularized multi-core classification model of the auto-selected semi-supervised manifold regularized multi-core classification model and the p-norm constrained multi-core combined weight are effective.
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