[Abstract]:When performing software tasks, developers need to interact with software artifacts such as bug report, source code warehouse and so on. In order to obtain the required information, they may need to read through the whole artifact thoroughly. However, extracting valuable information from bug reports and source code is a tedious and time-consuming task. In order to solve this task efficiently, the researchers suggest that summary information be established automatically for software artifacts. In this paper, in order to facilitate developers to extract the required information efficiently from bug reports and source code warehouses, we propose to use supervised learning technology to establish summary information. We use duplicate bug reports to create bug report summary information as an example of a natural language text summary task. In another study, we performed a source code fragment summary as an example of the source code to source code summary task. For bug report, we develop a bug report summary algorithm based on PageRank, which is called PRST. for short. In this algorithm, three different similarity measures are used to calculate the similarity between the main bug report and the corresponding repeated bug report based on VSM.Jaccard and WordNet, respectively. Due to the lack of the corresponding relationship between the main bug report and the repeated bug report in the publicly available bug report corpus, it is impossible to use the information contained in the duplicate bug report to perform the bug report summary task. Therefore, we extracted 59 bug reports from the Mozilla,KDE,Gnome and Eclipse projects and established a separate bug report corpus called OSCAR. At the same time, we reconstruct the existing BRC corpus by adding repeated bug reports and use it as a comparative corpus. We use several advanced statistical evaluation indexes, namely precision (Precision), recall (Recall), F-Score and Pyramid Precision, to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The results show that the proposed algorithm can obtain relatively accurate summary information of bug report, and improve the existing supervised bug report and accuracy. Similarly, in order to establish source code summary information, we develop a code fragment summary algorithm based on SVM and NB classifiers (CodeFragment Summarization,CFS) to automatically generate source-to-source summary information in source code fragments. In the software artifact summary paradigm, we first introduce a data-driven small-scale crowdsourcing method to help us extract the syntactic features of the source code. We retrieve 127 code fragments from Eclipse and NetBeans official FAQs and build a code fragment corpus for testing. We also use the statistical evaluation indicators mentioned earlier and compare the existing methods to verify the effectiveness of our proposed method. The results show that our code fragment extractor is more accurate than the existing code fragment summary generation methods, and syntactic features have an important impact on the accuracy of the generated summary information. The generated summary information can effectively help developers solve the software tasks in hand, and effectively improve the performance and quality of the software.
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