[Abstract]:Cloud Computing is a new type of computing model, which stores the computing resources in a configurable computing resource sharing pool. The computing resources can be accessed through a convenient, available and on-demand network. Because the cloud computing service provider is always in a strong position in the cloud computing, the user is in a vulnerable position, which causes the serious asymmetry of the information control. On the one hand, cloud computing transfers the information to the cloud computing service provider, and the enterprise itself can't fully control the cloud computing of the information and the cloud service provider. On the other hand, cloud computing is a key problem that restricts the development of the cloud computing. This paper presents the security features of the data flow diagram and lays the foundation for the effective detection of various illegal access (unauthorized access). The model improves the BLP (Bell-LaPadula) model, and increases the elements of the multi-level hybrid cloud, such as the multi-level interconnection mode, the server, the virtual machine (sub-system) and the like, and divides the user and the resources into two classes. Based on the state machine theory, the state, the rule, the automaton, the system and the safety theorem are redefined. The security theorem is proved by using the security entropy theorem. Finally, a complete set of access control rules for the multi-level hybrid cloud is developed, which can effectively solve the problems of the internal and internal privilege violation, the direction violation and the transfer of the violation of the different hierarchical cloud. Thirdly, the security problems of data security and privacy protection in the data sharing of the multi-level hybrid cloud are researched, the attribute encryption technology is researched, and the design is based on the security problems of the data security and the privacy protection in the data sharing of the multi-level hybrid cloud. The property management center of the attribute management center is set up, the global attribute list is maintained, and the access control over the management scope of the corresponding level is responded; thirdly, the security control strategy of the data sender, the authorization center and the management organization is set, and the process of system initialization, data release, data access and user deletion is designed. Compared with the prior attribute encryption scheme, the security access policy control of the environment and the policy constraint is enhanced.
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