[Abstract]:Organic semiconductor materials have been widely used in field effect transistors, organic photodiode and organic photovoltaic devices because of their unique properties. The working performance of each device is related to the carrier mobility in organic semiconductor materials. Mobility is an important macroscopic physical parameter and the most basic parameter to characterize the photoelectric properties of materials. In this paper, based on the first principle, based on the full quantum charge transfer rate theory, the diffusion coefficient is obtained by Monte Carlo method, and the carrier mobility is obtained according to Einstein's formula. This method is a jump model considering the nuclear tunneling effect, which can describe the process of charge transfer. We further discuss the factors affecting carrier mobility and deeply understand the mechanism of charge transfer. We first study the effect of the side chain substituents of the molecules on the charge transfer properties of organic semiconductors. Recombination energy and transfer integral are two important theoretical parameters affecting charge transfer rate. The influence of the substitution group on the transfer integral is much greater than that on the recombination energy. Based on the same kind of conjugated skeleton, if only from the effect of substitution group on the stacking mode of organic semiconductor materials, the substitution group effect can be divided into two kinds, one is the introduction of substitution group to change the molecular stacking mode, the other is not to change the molecular stacking mode. The effects of these two substituted radical effects on charge transfer properties have been investigated one after another. The relationship between molecular geometric structure, electronic structure properties, intermolecular stacking mode and charge transfer performance is investigated, which provides a theoretical basis for the design of new and efficient transport materials. For the substitution effect that does not change the molecular stacking mode, we consider it separately. The alkyl chain system of accumulation and fish bone accumulation. It is found that the mobility varies regularly with the length of alkyl chain. Affected by the way of stacking, that is, for Accumulation and mobility decreased with the increase of chain length, while fish bone accumulation was the opposite. Recently, two-component bipolar organic semiconductor materials for receptors have been widely concerned because they are expected to be used in complementary circuits and phototransistors. At the molecular level, the charge transfer process involves direct spatial coupling and hyperexchange coupling. For bipolar organic semiconductors with only direct spatial coupling, the charge transfer is only related to the properties of the same component. It is found that the intermolecular coupling mainly occurs between the same type of molecules for the mixed crystal of sulfur-bridged cyclic rotene / fullerene, and there are many coupling modes for the transmission path of fullerene. For materials with hyperexchange coupling, electron transport (hole transport) is related to the properties of donor molecules (receptor molecules) as bridge connections. The fluctuation of stacking configuration is obtained by molecular dynamics simulation, the fluctuation of intermolecular transfer integral is obtained by hyperexchange, and the mobility is obtained by dynamic Monte Carlo simulation. The effect of dynamic fluctuation on charge transfer properties of bipolar semiconductor material thio-bridged cyclic rotene / tetracyanyl group on quinodimethane is investigated. We find that nuclear tunneling will lead to "band-like" transmission behavior, and dynamic disorder will further reduce mobility.
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