本文选题:法官 + 法官职业道德 ; 参考:《海南师范大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since entering the new century, with the continuous development of the legal system, the deepening of the concept of the rule of law, and the continuous advancement of the process of professionalization of judges, the country, society and people have put forward higher requirements for the education of judges' professional ethics. It is of great significance to strengthen the professional ethics education and improve the moral quality of judges to promote fairness and justice and to establish judicial public trust. Judges, by acting on behalf of the state to exercise judicial power, to deal with cases independently, to determine the division and to stop disputes, to shoulder the sacred duty, and to place on the expectations of society for justice, judges are to some extent regarded as the embodiment of law and justice. Whether the legal system can operate effectively, whether social justice can be realized, and whether the people can live a dignified life, the key lies in the construction of the ranks of political and legal officers and policemen, especially the professional ethics quality of the legal adjudicators. In the course of handling a judicial case, can a judge be impartial, impartial in accordance with the law and facts, serve the judgment of the parties, and realize judicial justice and social justice, Much depends on the judge's own professional ethics and proper application of the law. Therefore, the quality of judges' professional ethics has objectively become an extremely important factor affecting judicial justice. However, for a long time, due to the lack of understanding of the importance of the professional ethics education of judges, the reform of the organizational structure in the courts and the lagging of the construction of the professional ethics education system of the judges, there is a lack of scientific system in the content of the professional ethics education of the judges. Educational methods and educational forms are monotonous, organizational functions are crossed, and evaluation and evaluation mechanisms are not complete. In view of these problems, this paper attempts to systematize the content of judges' professional ethics education, enrich the methods and forms of judges' professional ethics education, and straighten out the organization and implementation of judges' professional ethics education. Some suggestions are put forward to improve the evaluation of judges' professional ethics education. The main idea of this paper is to draw lessons from a large number of theoretical principles contained in such disciplines as ideological and political education, legal ethics, philosophy, political science, and so on, in view of the current situation and problems faced by judges' professional ethics education on the basis of the national conditions of contemporary China. Materials and materials, try to apply the principle to the study of judges' professional ethics education, and make corresponding investigation and deliberation, in order to form a more complete system of judges' professional ethics education. In pursuit of the best educational effect of professional ethics education for judges, we should gradually realize social fairness and justice. Specifically, starting with the investigation of the present situation of the study on the professional ethics education of judges, the paper discusses the problems and influencing factors of the professional ethics education of judges, and seeks the theoretical basis of the professional ethics education of judges. This paper expounds the basic contents of the professional ethics education of judges, explores the methods and means of the professional ethics education of judges, and provides a certain reference for the research on the reform of educational organization and the evaluation of the effect.
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