本文选题:政治人 + 人格 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:政治人研究是思想政治教育不可回避的全新视点,政治人的人格问题更是一个亟待研究的全新范畴。本文选择了政治人的人格这一特殊命题,将研究重点集中于政治行为主体的人格嬗变,从研究政治主体的视角来展开分析,并试图将人格调适引入到思想政治教育视域中。同时,将研究命题放在中国社会全面转型这一背景下。这个时期,社会政治、经济、文化诸领域都在发生着多层面、全方位、整体性、结构性的深刻变革。思想的激荡、文化的碰撞、价值观的冲击,使身处其中的当代中国政治人在价值观念、思维方式、行为方式、生活方式等诸多方面也随之发生明显的变化。毋庸置疑,社会转型必然带来人的转型,而人的转型过程中最重要、最具决定性、最深层次的转型是人格的转型。随着社会转型的不断深入,中国政治人的人格转型势在必行。如何认识政治人?如何认识政治人的人格?如何认识转型期中国政治人的人格嬗变?与传统中国政治人的人格特点相比有哪些异同?存在的缺陷与凸显的问题是什么?如何修正思想政治教育以更好地调适转型期中国政治人的人格?等等,是当前十分重要且亟待解决的命题。本文力图从问题意识出发,对以上命题做了探索性的研究,通过五个章节进行阐述。 第一章导论。首先从人的政治属性与人的思想品德结构为逻辑起点,提出了政治人假设这一命题,并以政治人塑造与思想政治教育创新为问题切入,论述了政治人研究对于当代中国政治的重要现实意义。进而对政治人、当代中国政治人的内涵与外延以及人格、政治人的人格进行了概念的界定和解读,并对当前中国社会的转型特点和主要内容进行了全面阐释,指出社会转型必然带来人格转型。最后在厘清人格结构的基础上,提出本文对于政治人人格的研究向度:即从政治人格、伦理人格、特质人格三个向度来研究转型期中国政治人人格。这是本文的创新之处并为后面章节奠定了论述的结构基础。同时,本文对国内外学者的相关研究做了述评。 第二章解析传统中国政治人的人格特征。首先,解构与剖析了传统中国政治人的政治人格。阐述了“伦理化、拜官化、等级化、崇魅化、臣民化”的政治人格特点以及“泛伦理化、非理性、威权倾向、不成熟性”的政治人格缺陷,并对传统社会中政治人的政治人格艰难流变进行了分析;其次,剖析了传统中国政治人的伦理人格。归纳出“圣人天象、仁爱、八目、求和、尚公、忠义”的伦理人格特点以及“小集团化、言行分裂、因袭保守”的伦理人格缺陷,并对伦理人格的作用进行反思;再次,剖析了传统中国政治人的特质人格。阐析了“忍从、顺良、老猾、中庸、迷信”的特质人格特点以及“权位偏执、主奴性格扭曲、压抑闭锁”的特质人格缺陷,并对缺陷产生的不良政治后果进行了分析;最后,剖析了传统中国政治人的人格文化双重化倾向。 第三章研究转型期中国政治人的政治人格嬗变。首先,对后传统时期中国政治人的人格流变进行了描述,继而阐释了转型期中国政治人人格嬗变的三个向度。最后重点阐释了第一个向度,即转型期中国政治人政治人格的过渡性嬗变的六个特点:由伦理型向“伦理-法理”型嬗变、由臣属型向“臣属-公民”混合型嬗变、由政治焦虑向政治自信嬗变、由盲从激进的非理性向寻求渐变的理性嬗变、由依附性向主体独立嬗变、由官本位向价值多元嬗变。指出其凸显的九个问题:伦理原则仍具普遍影响、信念认同面临挑战、政治认知过程中的知行分离严重、另类政治冷漠心理不容忽视、政治寻租意识日渐突出、权力依附心理仍未彻底根除、“做清官”情结的双重性应予以重视、“学而优则仕”的官本位窠臼仍未摆脱、公仆意识仍有待加强。 第四章研究转型期中国政治人的伦理人格和特质人格嬗变。首先在对转型期中国政治人进行伦理人格审视的基础上,阐述了四个正向倾向:具有明确的人生价值追求和强烈的成就动机、拥有较高的工作满意度、看重亲民务实、对于自身应具备和欠缺的素质品质有着正确的认知。同时分析了转型期中国政治人伦理人格的变形性嬗变表现:无道德人格、实用人格、惟上人格、虚伪人格。指出其凸显的五个问题:伦理价值混淆导致自然人与政治人的角色伦理错位、伦理价值取舍自相矛盾导致价值判断二元、言行裂变导致“虚伪的崇高”、良心缺失导致人格障碍。继而,阐述了第三个向度,即转型期中国政治人的官场性特质人格嬗变。其表现为五个特点:由“革命浪漫型”向“智能型”嬗变、由“内倾型”向“开放型”嬗变、由拘谨呆板型向个性型嬗变、由两极思维型向多向思维型嬗变、由忍从型向主体性嬗变。指出其凸显的六个问题:焦虑与紧张、患得失与心理平衡危机、不偏不倚的中庸性格明显、个性强仍被视为官场性格弱点、随大溜的无主体性仍很普遍、自我设计仍被压抑。最后,对转型期中国政治人的人格冲突表现做了评析。 第五章针对转型期中国政治人存在的问题,提出了现代人格调适的多维路径。一是优化思想政治教育,二是优化制度权威基础,三是优化社会环境,四是优化形成赛马不相马、风清气正的用人机制,五是优化完善自我调适的内在成长机制。 附录是转型期嬗变中的中国政治人的人格调查和实证研究报告。在研究人格三个向度的嬗变过程中,为了进一步了解作为当代转型期中国政治人主体的党政领导干部的人格现实,本文还辅之以对北京市党政领导干部,主要是局处级领导干部人格的大规模系列实证调查。本次调查研究,于2007年开始至2010年,历时近四年。采用两种指标体系和测试工具。一是国际公认比较成熟的《卡特尔十六种人格因素测验》量表(简称16PF)。二是通过自设计的人格主观命题问卷调查和召开座谈会等形式,对政治人群体进行了人格心理倾向调查。为了更进一步分析中国政治人的人格倾向,本文还分别以北京市和圣彼得堡市的领导者为样本,分析比较了中俄两国政治人的人格特质的异同。
[Abstract]:The political man's research is an unevasive new point of view of Ideological and political education. The personality problem of the political man is a new category that needs to be studied. This paper chooses the special proposition of the personality of the political man, focusing on the change of the personality of the subject of political behavior, analyzing from the perspective of the political subject, and trying to make a person. In the context of the comprehensive transformation of Chinese society, the study is put in the perspective of the ideological and political education. In this period, the social, political, economic and cultural fields are undergoing a multifaceted, comprehensive, integral and structural change. The shock of thought, the impact of culture, the impact of values, is in it. The contemporary Chinese political people have also changed the values, the way of thinking, the way of behavior, the way of life, and so on. There is no doubt that the transformation of the society will inevitably bring about the transformation of people, and the most important, most decisive, and most profound transformation in the process of human transformation is the transformation of personality. The personality transformation of Chinese political people is imperative. How to understand the political person? How to understand the personality of the political man? How to understand the change of the personality of the Chinese political man in the transition period? What are the similarities and differences with the personality characteristics of the traditional Chinese political man? What are the defects and problems that highlight? How to amend the ideological and political education to better tune it The personality of Chinese political man in the period of adaptation is a very important and urgent proposition at present. This paper tries to make an exploratory study of the above proposition from the problem consciousness and expound through five chapters.
The first chapter is introduction. First, from the logical starting point of the political attribute of man and the ideological and moral structure of man, the proposition of the political man's hypothesis is put forward, and the important significance of the political man's research to the contemporary Chinese politics is discussed, and the political man and the contemporary Chinese political man are discussed. The connotation and extension, the personality and the personality of the political person are defined and interpreted, and the characteristics and main contents of the transformation of the current Chinese society are fully explained, and the social transformation inevitably brings about the personality transformation. The three dimensions of political personality, ethical personality and idiosyncratic personality are used to study the personality of Chinese political people in the transition period. This is the innovation of this article and lays the structural foundation for the later chapters. At the same time, this article reviews the relevant research of scholars at home and abroad.
The second chapter analyzes the personality characteristics of the traditional Chinese political man. First, it deconstructs and analyzes the political personality of the traditional Chinese political man, and expounds the political personality characteristics of "ethnical, official, hierarchical, enchanting and subjecting", and the political personality defects of "Pan ethical, irrational, authoritarian, immaturity" and the traditional society. Secondly, the ethical personality of the traditional Chinese political people is analyzed. The ethical personality characteristics of the "holy man's celestial image, benevolence, eight eyes, seeking peace, public and loyalty", and the ethical personality defects of "small group, words and deeds split up, keep keeping keeping" and the role of ethical personality are carried out. Thirdly, it analyzes the characteristic personality of the traditional Chinese political people, expounds the characteristic personality characteristics of "tolerance, Shun good, old crafty, the mean, superstition", and the trait personality defects of "the bigotry, the distortion of the slave character, the repression of the lock", and analyses the bad political consequences of the defects; finally, it analyzes the traditional Chinese politics. The tendency to treat people's personality and culture is duality.
The third chapter studies the political personality transmutation of Chinese political people in the transition period. First, it describes the personality evolution of Chinese political people in the post traditional period, then explains the three dimensions of the transmutation of Chinese political personalities in the transition period. Finally, the first degree is explained, which is the transition of the transitional period of political personalities in the transition period of six. The characteristics: from the ethical type to the "ethics legal" type evolution, from the subordinate type to the "citizen citizen" mixed type evolution, from the political anxiety to the political confidence, from the radical to the irrational to seek the gradual change of rational evolution, from the dependency to the subject independent transmutation, from the official position to the value of multiple changes. Points out the nine problems highlighted. The ethical principles still have universal influence, the belief identification is facing the challenge, the separation of knowledge and practice is serious in the process of political cognition, the alternative political apathy can not be ignored, the political rent-seeking consciousness is becoming more and more prominent, the power dependence has not been completely eradicated. The dual nature of "doing the official" complex should be paid attention to, and the official standard of "the scholar is an official" is still the same. Without getting rid of it, the consciousness of public servants still needs to be strengthened.
The fourth chapter studies the transmutation of the ethical personality and personality personality of Chinese political people in the transition period. First, on the basis of the ethical personality examination of the Chinese political people in the transition period, four positive tendencies are expounded. They have a clear pursuit of life value and a strong achievement motivation, have higher job satisfaction, pay more attention to the people and the people and be pragmatic, for themselves. There is a correct understanding of the quality and quality that should be possessed and lacking. At the same time, it analyzes the deformable transmutation of the ethical personality of Chinese political people in the transition period: the unmoral personality, the practical personality, the only personality and the hypocrisy personality. It points out the five problems which are highlighted: the ethical value confusion leads to the ethical dislocation of the role of the self and the political man, and the ethical price. The contradiction of value selection is two yuan, which leads to the "hypocritical sublime" and the lack of conscience, which leads to the personality disorder. Then, it expounds the third orientation, which is the transmutation of the officialdom personality of Chinese political people in the transition period. It shows five characteristics: from "revolutionary romantic" to "intelligent", and from "introverted type". "Open type" transmutation, from the rigid type to the personality type evolution, from the two pole thinking to the multidirectional thinking type transmutation, from the tolerance from the type to the subjective transmutation, points out six problems: anxiety and tension, the crisis of suffering and loss and psychological balance, the mediocre character of impartiality is obvious, and the strong personality is still regarded as the weakness of the official character. The non subjectivity of the slips is still widespread, and the self design is still suppressed. Finally, the performance of the personality conflicts of Chinese political men in the transitional period is analyzed.
The fifth chapter, aiming at the existing problems of the Chinese political people in the transition period, puts forward the multidimensional path of modern personality adjustment. One is to optimize the ideological and political education, the two is to optimize the foundation of the authority of the system, the three is to optimize the social environment, and the four is to optimize the formation of horse racing, the wind is clear and the air is positive, and the five is the inner growth mechanism of optimizing and perfecting self adjustment.
The appendix is the personality investigation and Empirical Study of the Chinese political people in the transition period. In the study of the evolution of the three dimensions of personality, in order to further understand the personality reality of the leading cadres of the party and government, the leading cadres of the party and government in Beijing are also supplemented by the leadership of the party and government. A large scale series of empirical studies on the personality of leading cadres. This survey was conducted from 2007 to 2010, which lasted for nearly four years. Two index systems and testing tools were adopted. First, the internationally accepted sixteen personality factor test of cartel (16PF). Two was a self designed personality subjective questionnaire survey and call. In order to further analyze the personality tendency of Chinese political people, this paper, in order to further analyze the personality tendency of Chinese political people, analyzed and compared the similarities and differences of the personality traits of the political people between China and Russia in order to further analyze the personality tendency of the Chinese political people.
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