[Abstract]:The Chinese nation has always attached great importance to the concept of filial piety. Filial piety is an excellent traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Filial piety culture, as a moral and ethical norm in the early days, aims to regulate the contradictions in the family, and stipulates that in the family, children must consciously abide by the duty of filial piety to their parents and fulfill the duty of respecting and respecting their elders. From the angle of state and family, the filial piety culture in ancient times was a combination of family and country, and filial piety could not be constructed separately from family and country. Filial piety culture, as the most basic culture in China, has permeated all aspects of social life in China for thousands of years. Society is constantly developing, especially after the reform and opening up, the dissemination of Western ideas to China's traditional culture. Facing the rapid aging of the population, the deterioration of the internal relations in the family, the indifference of the concept of filial piety in the society and the difficulty of providing for the aged in the case of the only child, these problems are facing serious challenges, all of which put forward new requirements for the development of filial piety culture. According to the formation and development of traditional filial piety culture in different social periods, this paper systematically combs the development track of traditional Chinese filial piety culture. Secondly, it expounds the basic contents and characteristics of Chinese filial piety culture, and dissects and studies the filial piety culture in different periods. Finally, this paper makes an analysis of the Contemporary Dilemma and deficiency of the traditional Chinese filial piety culture, and expounds the necessity, principles and ways of constructing the modern filial piety culture according to the present situation and existing problems of the aging society and the difficulty of providing for the aged in our country. To solve these problems, especially the inheritance and innovation of filial piety culture in modern society put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions, build modern filial piety culture, better serve the modern society.
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