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发布时间:2019-01-28 20:03
[Abstract]:The inherent provisions of the basic principles of historical materialism, the function of ideology, the ruling lessons of proletarian political parties, and the current situation of the state of the world determine the extreme importance of ideological work. The current ideological work in China faces many challenges, including the threat to ideological security caused by the peaceful evolution of western countries and cultural infiltration, and the influence of various non-mainstream social trends on the identity of mainstream ideological authority. The sharp change of Soviet Union and East Europe weakens the belief of mainstream ideology, the theme of development and the pursuit of modernization desalinate the opposition of ideology, the impact of pluralistic value orientation on the mainstream ideology, and the challenge of new media to the control of ideology, etc. We should actively explore the strategic strategies and methods to enhance the influence, control and guidance of our country's ideology, including strengthening the integrity of our country's ideological work at the national strategic level. Gradually overcome the mode of "fragmentation" and "challenge-combat" of ideological work; The mainstream ideology should dare and be good at speaking out on important theoretical and practical issues; promote innovation and promote the propaganda and influence of mainstream ideology; strengthen the control and guidance of network public opinion and so on.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院;


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