[Abstract]:From the perspective of emotion, this paper expounds and analyzes moral education with a view to revealing the relationship between emotion and morality, thus revealing new possibilities for the motivation, approach and significance of moral education. The thesis comes from the important function of moral education in individual and society, and the reflection on the present situation of moral education in our country. Although, we have invested a lot of manpower, material resources to engage in moral education, and pay great attention to moral education. But we have to admit that the results are not satisfactory. Fundamentally, there are differences between our moral education concept and moral education method. This mainly shows as follows: pay attention to "reason" and ignore "emotion". Besides the preface and conclusion, the thesis mainly consists of four parts: the first part, what is morality, moral education, emotion and moral emotion? What misunderstandings exist in the process of moral education in China, and why moral education should resort to emotion. The second part expounds the significance of moral education resorting to emotion by combing the philosophical discourse about emotional dimension of moral education in the literature of Chinese and western philosophy and Marx's philosophy. The third part, based on reality, expounds the differences between emotional and cognitive aspects of moral education, and the gains and losses of moral education resorting to emotional dimensions. The fourth part, through the study of western philosophers' philosophical discourse on the emotional dimension of moral education, combined with the current situation of moral education in China, to find a way out for moral education in the emotional dimension.
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