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发布时间:2019-05-15 11:34
【摘要】:当前,经济全球化波澜频起,网络与新媒体技术发展日新月异,中国进入社会急剧转型的现代化进程之中,在特定的时代与经济社会发展阶段中出现的各种思想观念变化、价值观念变化、社会思潮激荡的局面,是现代思想政治教育面临的重大现实问题和不容回避的现实情境。思想政治教育情境是思想政治教育学科的重要理论范畴。它内在于思想政治教育过程中,是影响思想政治教育有效性的重要因素。对思想政治教育情境进行研究具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。从理论上讲,有助于丰富和完善思想政治教育学科理论体系,有利于体现教育者的主导性和教育对象的主体性的互动和关照;从实践上讲,有助于增强思想政治教育的实效性、科学性和艺术性。 本课题以马克思主义理论为指导,综合运用教育学、心理学、社会学、人类学等学科的最新研究成果,从分析现代思想政治教育面临的重大现实情境入手,运用系统研究法、跨学科研究法、宏观审视与微观剖析相结合的方法等多种方法,通过对思想政治教育情境的内涵的研究来探讨思想政治教育情境的有效性及其作用机理,通过揭示思想政治教育情境的场域效应来探究思想政治教育情境场的构建策略,为现代思想政治教育情境的理论研究和实践探索奠定了基础。 本文主要由以下各部分组成: 绪论部分通过对思想政治教育所面临的时代境遇和挑战的分析,提出了思想政治教育情境研究的理论意义和实践意义,阐述了本论文的研究现状、研究思路、研究方法、论文的创新点,为读者了解整篇论文提供了索引。 第一章为思想政治教育情境的概述,本章在梳理相关学科关于情境问题的研究成果基础上,对思想政治教育情境的内涵、构成要素、特征和类型进行研究。 第二章为思想政治教育情境的有效性研究,本章阐明了思想政治教育情境有效性的判断标准,分析了思想政治教育情境有效作用机理和思想政治教育情境有效性发挥的影响因素。 第三章为思想政治教育情境的场域效应,本章对思想政治教育情境场的涵义、特点、层次结构和动力机制进行了分析。 第四章为构建思想政治教育情境场的基本思路,其中包括思想政治教育情境场的构建原则、构建方式、基本维度的探讨。 第五章是思想政治教育情境场构建的分类探讨,本章从思想政治教育面临的时代境遇与挑战的高度,从体现时代性、符合规律性、增强创造性的角度选取了三种类型的思想政治教育情境场,对每一类情境场的特点、构建策略、构建重点进行了探讨。 结语对全文基本结论作了简要归纳。
[Abstract]:At present, with the frequent waves of economic globalization and the rapid development of network and new media technology, China has entered the modernization process of rapid social transformation, and various ideological and conceptual changes have taken place in a specific era and in the stage of economic and social development. The change of values and the agitation of social trend of thought are the major practical problems and unavoidable realistic situations faced by modern ideological and political education. The situation of ideological and political education is an important theoretical category of ideological and political education. It lies in the process of ideological and political education and is an important factor affecting the effectiveness of ideological and political education. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the situation of ideological and political education. Theoretically speaking, it is helpful to enrich and perfect the theoretical system of ideological and political education, and to embody the interaction and care of educators and the subjectivity of educational objects. In practice, it is helpful to enhance the effectiveness, science and artistry of ideological and political education. Under the guidance of Marxist theory, this subject makes comprehensive use of the latest research results of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines, starting with the analysis of the major realistic situation faced by modern ideological and political education, and using the method of systematic research. Through the study of the connotation of the situation of ideological and political education, this paper probes into the effectiveness and mechanism of the situation of ideological and political education, such as the method of interdisciplinary research, the method of combining macro-examination with micro-analysis, and so on. By revealing the field effect of ideological and political education situation, this paper probes into the construction strategy of ideological and political education situation field, which lays a foundation for the theoretical research and practical exploration of modern ideological and political education situation. This paper is mainly composed of the following parts: the introduction part puts forward the theoretical and practical significance of the situation research of ideological and political education through the analysis of the situation and challenges of the times faced by ideological and political education. This paper expounds the research status, research ideas, research methods and innovation of this paper, which provides an index for readers to understand the whole paper. The first chapter is an overview of the situation of ideological and political education. On the basis of combing the research results of the situation in related disciplines, this chapter studies the connotation, constituent elements, characteristics and types of the situation of ideological and political education. The second chapter is the study of the effectiveness of the situation of ideological and political education. This chapter clarifies the criteria for judging the effectiveness of the situation of ideological and political education. This paper analyzes the effective mechanism of ideological and political education situation and the influencing factors of ideological and political education situation effectiveness. The third chapter is the field effect of the situation of ideological and political education. This chapter analyzes the meaning, characteristics, hierarchical structure and dynamic mechanism of the situation field of ideological and political education. The fourth chapter is the basic idea of constructing the situation field of ideological and political education, including the construction principle, construction mode and basic dimension of the situation field of ideological and political education. The fifth chapter is the classification and discussion of the construction of the situation field of ideological and political education. This chapter is from the height of the situation and challenges of the times faced by ideological and political education, from the embodiment of the characteristics of the times, in line with the regularity. From the point of view of enhancing creativity, three types of ideological and political education situation fields are selected, and the characteristics, construction strategies and key points of each kind of situation fields are discussed. The conclusion makes a brief summary of the basic conclusions of the full text.


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