本文关键词:郑州图书馆的社会营销方案研究 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The Zhengzhou library is part of the social public products, and it also needs to be marketing for the social and public products. In the field of marketing, social marketing is an excellent choice for the marketing of social public products. But the current domestic research for poor social marketing, Zhengzhou library, there are many shortcomings in marketing. The introduction of the theory and method of social marketing, combined with the actual situation of the Zhengzhou library, has high research value and practical value. There are many differences between social marketing and other marketing. The main body is mainly non-profit organizations, taking tax and donation as the main source of funds, taking social value as the starting point and trust as the basis, and focusing on changing long-term behavior as the goal. The Zhengzhou library is in line with these elements of social marketing, and the combination of them is bound to collide with brilliant sparks. Taking Zhengzhou library as the research object, according to the Zhengzhou Library in the construction of the service product content in the form of a single, low rate of circulation, activities scattered, brand awareness and other issues, the use of social marketing "6P" marketing theory, analysis and design of social marketing program of social marketing situation of Zhengzhou library. The value of this paper is mainly embodied in the theory and methods of social marketing, the marketing subject applied to the social libraries in Zhengzhou, social marketing innovation, provide a new tool for the construction of Zhengzhou library, and social marketing in our public career development should provide a reference.
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