本文关键词:京津冀著者医院管理论文文献计量学研究 出处:《华北理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目的了解京津冀地区医院管理研究发展情况和学术动态,为医院管理者及医院管理研究者提供有价值的参考信息,促进京津冀医院管理创新研究,服务于京津冀医疗卫生协同发展。方法对2010年1月-2014年12月的《中国生物医学光盘文献数据库(CBMdisc)》收录的京津冀地区医院管理文献进行统计分析,应用BICOMB2.0、SPSS13.0、Microsoft Excel软件,对其年度数量、地区、载文期刊、著者、著者单位等情况进行调查统计分析,并从数据中找出内在联系。结果1)2010年1月-2014年12月京津冀地区医院管理论文发表总量为12160篇,其中北京地区发表8161篇,天津为1354篇,河北为2645篇。论文数量的增长稳定,且有明显阶段性特征。2)北京地区医院管理类文章发表最常见的期刊是《中国医院院长》《中国医院》《中国病案》;天津地区为《中国城乡企业卫生》《天津护理》《医疗卫生装备杂志》;河北地区为《河北医药》《临床合理用药》《中国误诊学杂志》。核心区期刊数量缺乏且存在区域性。3)核心第一作者群尚未形成,且核心第一作者与核心非第一作者(含第一作者)交互面积小,核心作者群不稳定。4)北京地区解放军总院是作者单位出现频次最多的单位。天津市为天津市第三中心医院。河北省为解放军252医院。5)京津冀地区医院管理热点研究内容主要围绕在卫生服务、医院信息系统、医院质量管理等方面。6)京津冀地区医院管理论文基金项目支持比例较高。2010-2014年京津冀地区医院管理基金支持约12.67%。基金支持以国家级基金为主。7)文章参文数以3至7篇居多。结论本研究对2010-2014年京津冀及其各地区医院管理论文年度数量、地区、载文期刊、著者等情况进行概括阐述,为京津冀医疗卫生协同发展提供核心医院管理人才及单位、研究热点、期刊平台等参考,促进医院管理创新研究与发展。
[Abstract]:Objective to understand the development and academic trend of hospital management research in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, provide valuable reference information for hospital managers and hospital management researchers, and promote the research of Beijing Tianjin Hebei hospital management innovation, and serve the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei health care. Methods from January 2010 -2014 year in December the "China biomedical literature database (CBMdisc)" included in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region hospital management literature for statistical analysis, using BICOMB2.0, SPSS13.0, Microsoft Excel software, the investigation and statistical analysis of the annual quantity, area, journals, authors, authors and so on, and find out the internal relations from the data. Results 1) in January 2010 -2014 December, the total volume of papers published in Beijing Tianjin Hebei area was 12160, of which 8161 were published in Beijing, 1354 in Tianjin, and 2645 in Hebei. The number of papers has increased steadily and has obvious stage characteristics. 2) Beijing area hospital management journal published the most common is the "Chinese hospital" "" "" Chinese China hospital medical record; Tianjin area as the "Chinese enterprise" Tianjin "urban and rural health care" "medical equipment" magazine; Hebei as "Hebei medicine" "" "China rational medication in clinical misdiagnosis the magazine". The number of periodicals in the core area is short and regional. 3) the core first author group has not yet formed, and the core first author and the core non first author (including the first author) has small interaction area, and the core author group is unstable. 4) the Beijing regional Liberation Army General Hospital is the most frequent unit in the author's unit. Tianjin is the Tianjin Third Hospital. Hebei is the 252 Hospital of the PLA. 5) the focus of research on hospital management in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei is mainly focused on health service, hospital information system, hospital quality management and so on. 6) the proportion of the fund projects of the hospital management papers in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province is high. In 2010-2014 years, the hospital management fund of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei was supported by about 12.67%. The fund is supported by state level funds. 7) the number of articles in the article is from 3 to 7. The conclusions of this study, the number of 2010-2014 and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei regional management hospital annual area, journals, authors and so on are summarized. The core of hospital management personnel and units, for the joint development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei medical journals provide research hotspots, reference platform, to promote research and development of hospital management innovation.
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