发布时间:2018-01-06 11:10
本文关键词:金兆蕃参编《清儒学案》史事考实——以国图藏金兆蕃致曹秉章书札为中心 出处:《文献》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Jin Zhaobang is an important participant in compiling the case of Confucianism in Qing Dynasty, because the academic circles pay less attention to it. Therefore, his participation in the compilation of the "case of Learning" is still unclear. Jin Zhaobang sent Cao Bingzhang a letter and a link in the manuscript of "the case of Confucianism in the Qing Dynasty" collected by Guotun. It is an important historical material reflecting Jin Zhaobang's participation in the compilation of the "Learning Plan". Through textual research on this correspondence and combining with the relevant historical data, we can clarify the specific situation of Jin Zhaobo's participation in the compilation of the "Xuehua case". It can also clarify the error of Jin Zhaobang's theory that he withdrew from the compilation of the case because of his return to the south.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院文学研究所;
【正文快照】: 《清儒学案》208卷,是由徐世昌主持撰修的清代学术通史,书中所涉门类涵盖有清一代之经学、理学、史学、诸子百家、天文历算、文字音韵、方舆地志、金石诗文等。共收录学者1169人,上起明清之际的孙奇逢、黄宗羲、顾炎武,下至清末民初的宋书升、柯劭_蕖⑼跏鱣彽取8檬榈谋嘧胧,