发布时间:2018-01-11 20:05
本文关键词:管理学领域论文产出力和影响力的性别差异研究——以《科研管理》期刊为例 出处:《科研管理》2017年S1期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Taking the scientific research management of the important journal in the field of management as an example, this paper applies bibliometrics index and mathematical statistics method to the number of papers issued by different gender authors and the frequency of citation. Quantitative study and correlation analysis were carried out on the data of citation frequency and so on. The author combinations of different genders, gender-age, gender-title were analyzed. The paper's output force and influence are analyzed under the pattern of gender and academic qualifications and other two-dimensional authors' attribute combination. The results show that there are significant differences between male and female authors in terms of the number of scientific research output and the influence of scientific research; There are also differences in academic productivity and influence between male and female researchers of different ages, professional titles and academic qualifications. The results of the research published by heterosexual group authors are more easily quoted, and the number of papers published by male group authors is the highest. The results can provide quantitative support and reference for technology policy makers to formulate relevant policies.
【作者单位】: 北京工业大学经济与管理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目“共生视角下的院士科学合作网络结构和演化趋势研究:以中美两国科学院院士为例”(71603015,2017.01-2019.12) 2015年北京市社会科学基金青年项目“科技创新活动中的师生合作模式及其合作绩效研究”(15JYC025,2016.01-2018.12)
【正文快照】: 1引言相关研究的统计数据显示,男性和女性研究人员在科研工作中存在显著差异[1]。从历史数据来看,女性在科研上的投入和参与人数不断增加,但女性科学家的数量与女性硕士和博士毕业生的数量成反比,女性研究生毕业后离开科学事业的几率是男性的两倍[2]。Garg[3]的研究表明,男性
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