本文关键词:合肥地区公共图书馆阅读推广活动案例分析 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The book is an important tool for carrying the plaintext of human wisdom, human beings through reading to acquire knowledge and information, broaden their horizons, make continuous progress and development of human beings. The book is full of human experience, knowledge and wisdom. Ancient books, embodies all spiritual wealth of mankind, it is the human survival, propagation, the fundamental way to the continuation of history the culture of a nation. The reading ability determines the national literacy level, while the national literacy is also important characteristics of ethnic and national soft power therefore, reading ability directly affects a nation and even the national future and the development of public library. By providing reading material and space, organize reading activities to cultivate and improve the public reading habits and reading ability, make reading become an important part of personal life and lifelong love, then the whole society becomes a habit of public figure. The library has its unique social value, it can take the power of the system will read as the national sport promotion, in a sense, the public library is one of the "push social reading movement". Since the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee to promote national reading, "promote the national quality and the degree of social civilization and improve" as an important work in 13th Five-Year "period, our library reading promotion activities like a raging fire. But at the same time, we should also realize that our library reading promotion activities there are still many deficiencies and problems, such as the promotion of reading form is rigid, promotion agencies lack, promote the theme of boring. There are many problems in the library reading promotion activities to form the overall cognition, often makes the promotion effect is not satisfactory. So we need to study the analysis report system, to Provide guidance for the library reading promotion work, make the public library reading promotion work smoothly. In this paper, the author chose the Hefei public library reading promotion activities as a case study of the public library. As the most important city in Anhui Province, Hefei District Public Library Reading Promotion status may reflect to a certain extent the reading promotion in Anhui province to carry out the situation. This paper uses the method of literature survey, reading promotion activities of network survey method and case analysis method to the Hefei area three public library case investigation, analysis the existing problems and deficiencies and puts forward some countermeasures and solutions, to provide guidance for improving the public library of Hefei in reading promotion activities, provide the basis for the promotion of domestic public library reading. This paper consists of five parts: the first chapter The introduction part introduces the research background and significance of reading promotion activities, combing the domestic and foreign research results, a brief overview of the related concepts of reading promotion, a brief description of the characteristics and attributes of the research object, and introduces the research to realize the real meaning and purpose, research methods of this study will be used to list the most. About the research ideas; the second chapter describes the overall situation of Hefei public library reading promotion activities, and the activities of case analysis, summarize the common features of activities; the third chapter pointed out that the Hefei area reading promotion activities in the existing problems; the fourth chapter puts forward the suggestions to improve the existing problems; the fifth chapter is to summarize the the full text.
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