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发布时间:2016-10-21 18:08





【Abstract】 This article focuses on the social location of modern Archives and its spirits under the background of information era and Chinese society in transformation period. Through analyzing the influence of information era and Chinese society in transformation period on the social location of Archives, it argues that National Archives of different level in China should review its status and role in society and modify correspondent social location. On this basis of social location, it calls for the return and refiguring of Archives’ spirits. The aim is to call for the social responsibility and sense of time urgency of Archives and the entire archival profession, and to inspire the sense of pride and confidence of archivists in this profession. Then the Archives can take on the correspondent social responsibility better, gain social understanding through actual contribution, and strengthen the social status of Archives. The beginning words tell the research’s background is information era and Chinese society in transformation period, and the reason of choosing the topic. Then it introduces the article’s innovative points, focuses and difficulties. The body of the article is separated into six parts. Part one is main terms and research review. It gives the definition of several terms, introduces research methods, material resources and reviews related research home and abroad on the social location of Archives and its spirits in information era. Part two is the present social location of Archives. It calls back the origin of modern Archives, analyses the

【关键词】 信息时代; 转型期社会; 档案馆; 社会定位; 档案馆精神;
【Key words】 Information era; Society in transformation period; Archives; Social location; Archives’ spirits;

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  • 上一篇文章: 构建我国公务员考核体系之深思

  • 下一篇文章: 网络舆谈的引导与管理探讨

  •   本文关键词:信息时代我国档案馆的社会定位与精神重塑,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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