social location 的翻译结果
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social location
On the Social Location of National Archives in China and the Refiguring of Its Spirits in Information Era
The Social Location of High Law Vocational Education and the Form of Trainning Qualified the People
On the Understanding of the Social Location of Higher Vocational Education
This article focuses on the social location of modern Archives and its spirits under the background of information era and Chinese society in transformation period.
Development of S/M and Its Social Location
From Location Theory and Thought of Social Location to Theory of Social Location——Development of the Theory About the Nature of Social Structure
Higher Vocational Education Features Analysis from View of Social Location
The paper studies the special politics, economics and social location condition of Lioupanshui city and the current industral pattern adjustment, which will move the economy of Lioupanshui city to a new stage in the increasing polar and Spot-aris development mode.
通过对六盘水市在西部大开发中特定的政治经济社会区位条件的研究 ,以及对现有产业结构的调优、调特、调强整顿 ,使六盘水市的经济在“增长极”和“点轴开发”模式指导下迈上新台阶
The author in this article combs the evolution of location and thought about social location,realizes that the theory of social location can be used to analyze and express the nature of social structure,especially that of China, which will be a method to explain.
发现它们虽然源于不同的学科,但相互采借,相互影响,在“体系”、“区位”和“中心——边缘”等基本概念外延的扩展和内涵的抽象方面,逐渐走到了一起,形成了一个关于社会结构的区位性研究的统一理论——社会区位论。 这一理论用以分析和表达社会结构性质,尤其是中国社合结构性质,将是一个很有解释力的工具。
Higher vocational education features in our country is analyzed in the paper from view of social location with using systematic theories.
This paper analyses the social location and the procedure of making a determination of publishing of The China Youth Publishing House, using the method of culture study and cultural sociology and show the decisive function of a publishing organization in the process of literature produce regarding the notable novel Red Crac of China as a case.
查询“social location”译词为用户自定义的双语例句
social location
The social location of those holding antihomosexual attitudes
Data are analyzed to exemplify the importance of studying masculine roles within a framework that takes into account the relative social location of American men.
Specifically, a multivariate model was constructed to test and compare sets of social location and consciousness factors explaining political behavior among two random samples of college and noncollege youth.
Reconsidering the Social Location of the Medical Model: An Examination of Disability in Parenting Literature
Other findings in the paper are consistent with the importance of social location and interpersonal relationships in youth socialization.
The socialization of information networks is advancing along the integration road of network and society.The paper systematically discusses the integrating mechanism of information networks’ social locations on the basis of introducing such concept as “location”. The social locations of information networks include political location, economic location, cultural location, scientific and technological location and legal location.
引入“区位”概念 ,从政治区位、经济区位、文化区位、科技区位和法制区位等方面系统地论述了信息网络的区位整合机制。
The coming libraries will make on a series of dividing and combinning,and reconfirm their evolution models and social location in information-Oriented society.The paper advances a new idea and gives a thorough discussion of the above- mentioned problems.
:This paper tries to construct a theory frame to analyze the occupati o n development of urban woman in China. The occupation development of urban woma n means the urban women increase abilities that gain the society resources by th e various occupation activities. Society resources include political resources, economic resources and social relation resources. Many kinds of factors influe nc e the occupation development of woman. This paper uses structureizational the ory to analyze the occupation development...
:This paper tries to construct a theory frame to analyze the occupati o n development of urban woman in China. The occupation development of urban woma n means the urban women increase abilities that gain the society resources by th e various occupation activities. Society resources include political resources, economic resources and social relation resources. Many kinds of factors influe nc e the occupation development of woman. This paper uses structureizational the ory to analyze the occupation development of urban woman. Structural factors, s uch as receiving education level, labor market segregation, social location of woman in the society etc, impact on the occupation development of urban woman. At the same time, woman, as a social actor, her identification on occupation de velopme nt, experiences of women's work and life have also important significanc e.
本文力图建立一个分析城市妇女职业发展的理论框架。城市妇女的职业发 展是 指城市妇女通过各种职业活动获得的获取社会资源能力的增长,即获取政治资源、经济 资 源和关系资源能力的增长。妇女的职业发展受到多种因素的影响,从结构化的理论出发, 妇女自身的职业认同和生命周期具有重要意义;同时,妇女受教育程度、市场结构、妇女在 社会结构中的位置等结构性因素也作用于妇女的职业发展。
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