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发布时间:2018-02-27 19:47

  本文关键词: 在线医疗 信息服务 行为规律 使用意愿 结构方程模型 出处:《南昌大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, food and clothing are no longer the primary pursuit of people. In the era of extremely rich material life, the health of the body has been neglected and the disease has followed. However, the problems of insufficient medical resources and uneven distribution have long existed in our country. As a new medical model, online medical treatment attracts much attention, and its convenience largely solves the problem of medical difficulty. This paper investigates and studies the users of online medical information service. The author expects to find out the behavior rules, and analyzes the influence factors of users' willingness to use online medical information service by structural equation model. The development of online medical information service is of great importance to the reform of medical model in China. Carrying the expectations of medical practitioners, relevant research institutions, users, etc. This paper is studying the medical behavior of users, Found that income and age affect the behavior of paid counseling. Then according to the characteristics of users to cluster the user groups, mining out five categories of user groups, After reading and analyzing a large number of literatures, this paper constructs a model of users' willingness to use online medical information services according to the relevant theoretical basis. The structural equation model is used to verify the model. The data comes from the questionnaire, and the model is revised according to the correction index. The conclusions are as follows: privacy security, degree of trust, medical effect, perceived income, etc. Interaction design has a positive impact on the user's willingness to use, among which, the medical effect factor plays the most important role. Finally, According to the law of medical behavior of users and the results of the model, the corresponding suggestions to the online medical platform are put forward. The main innovations of this paper are: clustering the medical user groups from the perspective of type people, and analyzing the law of medical behavior of all kinds of user groups; From the perspective of interaction between online service doctors and online users, this paper discusses user satisfaction, which overcomes the subjective problem of weight measurement in satisfaction analysis, and from the perspective of information behavior cognition, This paper discusses the relationship between receiving and sending medical information of online users, which provides a new idea for quantitative analysis of information behavior.


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