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发布时间:2018-05-19 17:50

  本文选题:秦诏版 +  ; 参考:《故宫博物院院刊》2017年03期

[Abstract]:The inscriptions of the imperial edict of the Qin Dynasty should be attached to the measuring apparatus, whose shape has not been seen. By calculation, the original vessel should be annular, its circumference is about 118 cm, it can be clamped to the measuring device body of about 37.5 cm diameter. Conjecture and its corresponding, should be the long annihilation of the Qin bucket. The bucket, or Shang Yang's reform, contained in the Book of History, "flat bucket, balance, Zhang ruler," in the "bucket", that is, sleeping tiger Qin bamboo slips in the "Yong", its capacity of ten, Zhu Jianxin said, "Yongzhu, not the present." Referring to the data of the residual hoop and the volume of the bucket, the shape of the volume of the Qin bucket can be roughly restored. This is the first time in modern times to recover the volume of Qin barrels, thus filling the blank in the "bucket-liter" sequence. It can confirm Zheng Xuan's judgment on the synonym of "barrel" and "Dendrobium", and also reveal the aspect of Han Dynasty's Qin system in the field of measurement and measurement. The change of the name of "Dendrobium" is a product of Wang Mang's reversion to the ancient times. Under the background that the "Shi" unit has been confused, it actually points to the reasonable adjustment of the system of measurement and measurement in the Qin and Han dynasties.
【作者单位】: 北京大学历史学系;


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