[Abstract]:The early manifestation of reading promotion in the Republic of China was "reading guidance". From the literature of reading guidance and reading promotion in the period of the Republic of China, the development of this cause presents four stages on the time axis, namely, the initial budding period, the prosperous development period, the difficult survival period and the slow repair period. Although the four stages of development are different, they are also coherent and interoperable. In addition, the library field and the education field are the main body of the undertaking, and have their own practical theory and form in the reading material, the guiding way and the guiding object. During the period of the Republic of China, the main characteristics of reading guidance and promotion were as follows: inseparable from educational cause, attaching importance to children's reading guidance, and free reading was advocated but not "value neutral". The trend of extension is obvious and has the nature of task.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学信息学系;
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