[Abstract]:MOOCs, (that is, Massive Open Oline Courses), is called "the Tsunami of Today's Education") has been developing rapidly, which has impacted the traditional education mode of our country, not only the Mo-tut, but also the "Tsunami". The construction of many open educational resources is changing the current educational model. Based on the analysis of the development of the course, this paper demonstrates the importance of the construction of the open educational resources in the university library, and puts forward the relevant strategies for the university library to carry out the open education resource so as to better serve the task of national education. In addition, the construction of open educational resources also requires university libraries to make full use of these learning platforms, so that library services are not only of great benefit to students, but also benefit lifelong learners such as primary and secondary school teachers. To further promote the integration of the open education movement into continuing education and the task of serving the country.
【作者单位】: 唐山师范学院;
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