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    摘要 There are two major kinds of official collected books in Qin Dynasty. One is books which are to meet the needs of Doctor officials. The other is archives which are to meet the needs of law officials. And archives are the emphasis of official collected books in Qin Dynasty. Accordingly, archives are also the emphasis of official literature sorting in Qin Dynasty. It is different from the situation that books are the emphasis of official literature sorting in Han Dynasty. Administrative operation in Qin Dynasty is based on collection and utilization of official collected books. Therefore, Qin people’s different attitude towards books and archives can reflect the change of both Doctor officials’ and law officials’ political status. It can also reflect the administrative nature of Qin Dynasty, i.e. “rule country by law”.


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    收稿日期: 2008-07-14      出版日期: 2009-04-20

    1: G259  

    通讯作者: 傅荣贤1   


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    :8080/lis/CN/     或     :8080/lis/CN/Y2009/V53/I08/142

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