[Abstract]:Considering the demand of library's book supply, this paper puts forward an algorithm of purchasing books based on the quantity of duplicate books, and optimizes the purchasing of books. First of all, the circulation utility index of the library is described by three indexes, namely, the rejection rate, the turnover rate and the utilization ratio of the books, and the relationship between the degree of the books being used and the readers' reading satisfaction is understood by this index. According to the readers' demand for books, this paper puts forward the purchasing decision of the duplicate volume of selected books by using the marginal function of book circulation utility. Secondly, according to the purchase optimization decision of duplicate quantity, using the book purchasing algorithm based on genetic optimization, the book copy quantity is regarded as an initial population, and the selection, crossover and mutation operations are repeated repeatedly. The evolution of initial population renewal is more and more close to the optimal solution or satisfactory solution of the volume of book duplicates, and the purpose of optimizing book purchasing is accomplished by combining the priority of readers to select books. The experiment proves that the optimal purchasing target can be realized effectively by purchasing books by using the algorithm in this paper.
【作者单位】: 哈尔滨工业大学(威海);
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