[Abstract]:Cataloging is the key step of archives digitization, and it is also an important link to determine the utilization effect of digital archives. From the domestic practice of historical archives digitization, the cataloging work takes a lot of time and becomes the bottleneck that affects the progress of the digitizing work, and the cataloging of historical archives has the tendency of completing in stages, and the cataloging methods include internal contracting and outsourcing. There are many problems such as large quantity of recording object, poor sorting basis and difficult recognition of characters in historical archives. There are some problems in the subject of description, such as the lack of professional talents, the problem of incomplete and ununified contents in the description standard, and the problems affecting the health of the working environment. In order to improve the recording level of historical archives, it is necessary to draw up plans from the height of national strategy and increase investment, at the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the training of talents and increase the reserve of talents, perfect the standards and improve the accuracy of cataloging. Finally, it is necessary to optimize the process and technological innovation, make full use of social computing resources, reduce the cost of cataloging, and improve the efficiency of cataloging through crowdsourcing.
【作者单位】: 湖南省档案局;
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