[Abstract]:Since 2007, China has vigorously promoted the "farm bookstore" project, after nearly ten years of construction and development has achieved gratifying results. However, in the actual operation process, there are still some problems, such as inadequate management, unreasonable collection of books, insufficient funds, small influence and low utilization rate, etc., how to give full play to the maximum effect of farmers' bookstores and effectively cultivate farmers' interest in reading. Let the gene of reading be deeply rooted in the rural society and really contribute to the promotion of "reading for the whole people". It has become a problem that must be paid attention to in the process of the development of farmers' bookhouses. In order to get a better understanding of the construction and operation of the farmhouse, this paper makes an in-depth study of some rural bookstores in Xuanzhou District, Xuancheng City, Anhui Province, through literature review, field visits, questionnaire investigation and so on. This paper sums up the problems existing in the operation of farmers' bookstore and analyzes its causes. Then targeted solutions are put forward to improve the influence and utilization rate of farmers' bookstores. This paper is divided into seven parts: the first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the background, purpose and significance of this topic, analyzes the current research situation at home and abroad, explains the research methods and ideas as well as the innovation of the paper. The second part is the theory and cultural strategy of the construction of farmers' bookstore, focusing on the theory of knowledge gap, the theory of library science and the national cultural strategy. The third part briefly summarizes the development of farmers' bookstore in China. The fourth part is about the present situation of farmers' book houses in Xuanzhou District, through on-the-spot visits to ten villages (communities), such as Shuiyang Community, Yan Wing Community, Fangqiao Village and so on, and to issue questionnaires to 250 villagers, through the data, The results of the construction and operation of the farm book house in Xuanzhou District are analyzed. The fifth part is the analysis of the problems and reasons of the rural bookstore in Xuanzhou district. On the basis of the data obtained from the fourth part of the field investigation, this paper makes a comprehensive and in-depth analysis, and points out the shortcomings in the construction and operation of the farm bookstore in Xuanzhou District, such as the low utilization rate of the bookstore, the single source of the new book and the weak awareness of active service. And give an analysis. The sixth part, based on the research results of the farm bookstore in Xuanzhou District, puts forward the thinking of the sustainable development of the peasant bookstore. Such as paying attention to the left-behind elderly and children, providing considerate service, strengthening the digital construction, increasing the literature and information resources, strengthening the cooperation with colleges and universities, making use of the resources and personnel of colleges and universities to improve the service level of farm library. The seventh part is the conclusion, through the above measures targeted for the left-behind elderly, left-behind children and home entrepreneurs to provide services. In order to promote the cultural construction of the local rural areas, the role that farmers' bookhouses should play in the process of "advocating reading for the whole people and building a book-fragrant society" should be put into practice.
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