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rural land resource 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-10-06 12:19











rural land resource 的翻译结果

rural land resource

  • 农村土地资源(9)
  • 农地资源(3)

         Second, it is the positive response of the marketing allocation of rural land resource to urban land resource.



         Study of Fujian Rural Land Resource Utilization



         Currently,the phenomenon of discarded countryside pit-pond leaves unused is relatively common,which is causing the waste of rural land resource.



         Rural collective Land conversion is a rational choice according with the conditions of our country, is required objectively by developing rural market economy, is a important way of promoting rational flowing of rural land resource and optimizing its distribution, is the extension of the rural family-contract responsibility system.



         Research on the Legal System of Ownership on the Rural Land Resource





         Analysis of the Theory of Share Tenancy and Variable Rural Land Resource Allocation



         Then, analyses the characteristic and type of current rural land system of our country, and appraises operation or current land system and its guarantee level for peasant rights and interests from four aspects, concluding the stability of rural land system ownership and the disposition efficiency of rural land resource ,the function of social security and job-losing insurance of rural land system, the fair problem of rural land system , the spontaneous option problem of peasant;



         Reasonable allocation and utilization of rural land resource are determined by five traits of rural land.




         Study on the Innovation of Trust Mode of Rural Land Resource Protection



         The development of market economy requires the marketization disposition of the rural land resource.



         Based on these, it summarizes some useful tactics to protect the rural land resource: ① recognizing rural land's values and improving rural land's benefits;

         提出解决问题的策略: ①全面认识农地价值, 提高农地效益;


    查询“rural land resource”译词为用户自定义的双语例句

    In recent years land circulation has been in the making quietly in the extensive rural areas. It is another creative act arising from countryside after the land contract reform at Xiaogang Village, Fengyang county in Anhui province. It has further deepened the market economy in the reform of rural land contract system. It has controlled the rural land without being lain waste and has made effective disposition of rural land resources as well. However, problems...

    In recent years land circulation has been in the making quietly in the extensive rural areas. It is another creative act arising from countryside after the land contract reform at Xiaogang Village, Fengyang county in Anhui province. It has further deepened the market economy in the reform of rural land contract system. It has controlled the rural land without being lain waste and has made effective disposition of rural land resources as well. However, problems of all kinds exist at the same time. For example, no statute applies to land circulation; there is no effective guarantee for farmers' right to contract land; land circulation form is chaotic and has caused some disputes. In the first place, relevant subject in the existing laws should be amended, then the Law on Rural Land Contract be enacted as soon as possible, and the Law on Rural Land Circulation be made to clarify the principles, form, procedure, supervision and control, and responsibilities of land circulation, thus rural land circulation will be brought into the orbit of rule of law.

    近些年土地流转在广大农村悄然兴起 ,它是继安徽凤阳县小岗村土地承包改革之后 ,来自农村的又一创新之举。它是市场经济在农村土地承包制度改革中的进一步深化 ,它不仅抑制了农村土地抛荒 ,而且还解决了农村土地资源的有效配置。但同时又存在着这样那样的问题 ,诸如 ,土地流转无法可依、农民土地承包权得不到有效保障、土地流转形式较乱、造成了一些纠纷等。当务之急是加强农村土地流转的法制建设 ,确认、巩固土地流转改革成果和解决存在的问题。首先是修改现存法律有关内容 ,其次尽快出台《农村土地承包法》 ,再是尽早制定《农村土地流转法》 ,明确土地流转的原则、形式、程序、监管和责任 ,使农村土地流转纳入法制轨道。

    It′s essential to build market-oriented rural land use rights transferability mechanism under the 30-year no readjustment policy. Based on an empirical analysis of the random samples and typical samples in Shandong province, this paper points out that the present land use rights transferability institution has already impeded the development of rural socialism market economy and Chinese agricultural modernization, and market mechanism should be introduced to allocate rural land resources,...

    It′s essential to build market-oriented rural land use rights transferability mechanism under the 30-year no readjustment policy. Based on an empirical analysis of the random samples and typical samples in Shandong province, this paper points out that the present land use rights transferability institution has already impeded the development of rural socialism market economy and Chinese agricultural modernization, and market mechanism should be introduced to allocate rural land resources, and the present land contract responsibility relationship between collective organizations and their member should be changed into general market transaction relationship between them.


    It is an inevitable developing trend to realize the modernized management in full aspects, dynamic and scientific way for land information management by means of geographical information system technology to establish the information system of land management. The necessity, urgency and feasibility for rural land resources informative management are described and the digitizing collection and organizing method of data, and the content and data structure of land information are discussed...

    It is an inevitable developing trend to realize the modernized management in full aspects, dynamic and scientific way for land information management by means of geographical information system technology to establish the information system of land management. The necessity, urgency and feasibility for rural land resources informative management are described and the digitizing collection and organizing method of data, and the content and data structure of land information are discussed . Furthermore, the main functions needed in the information system and some issues ,such as the data quality control, the practicality of the database and system ,on the system establishing process are put forward in the paper, too.



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