Iniermediary business is one of the three big pillars in commercial bank business. With the development of soeialistic market economy and the improvement of economic system, intermediary business will play a further important role to the survival and development of commercial bank in China. After China’s entry into WTO, intermediary business has been expanded rapidly in China by foreign commercial banks. And the intermediary business of our country’s commercial banks is still at the starting stage and has great disparities with the developed countries.This paper uses comparative analysis, qualitative and quantitative research methods, and lead to a comprehensive sufficient intermediary business study of national small and medium-sized shareholding commercial banks in China.First, through a large number of literature research, this paper discusses the theoretical basis of the intermediary business. Second, contrast the intermediary business development in and out of China, and point out the problem and difficults of intermediary business development in our country. Third, analyze the influential factors of national small and medium-sized shareholding commercial banks in China by qualitative and quantitative research methods. This paper selects ten small and medium-sized shareholding commercial banks and four large state-owned shareholding commercial banks by contrast. Based on the qualitative analysis of the influential factors, this paper uses multiple linear regression and panel data analysis to discuss the quantitative relationship between intermediary business and ecomomical variables in the macroscopic and microscopic aspects. Finally, according to the development characteristics of intermediary business of national small and medium-sized shareholding commercial banks in China, which is discussed above, this paper makes some policy proposals.Through empirical analysis, the result shows that:the development of intermediary business of commercial banks in China has close relationships with the macroeconomic and microeconomic variables. In the macroscopic level, the improvement of economic growth, the improvement of people’s living standard, the mature degree of financial markets, the improvement of interest rate formation mechanism and government monetary policy make the varying degree affects to development of intermediary business of different kind of commercial banks. Compared to large state-owned shareholding commercial bank, national small and medium-sized shareholding commercial bank is more flexible in business operation, and more sensitive to changes of financial market. The mature degree of financial markets will greatly promote the development of intermediary business. In the microscopic level, the foundation of the intermediary business’development in large state-owned shareholding commercial banks, in general, is weak. And the development of intermediary business of large state-owned shareholding commercial banks is less sensitive to microeconomical factors’changes, because of economic system and low degree of marketization in business operation. In contrast, national small and medium-sized shareholding commercial banks have greater abilities to innovate and more flexibility to operate, because of its equity system and the improvement of management. Therefore, the development of its intermediary business is more sensitive to microeconomic factors. With the increasing competition in domestic financial market competition and continuously increasing difficulty in the operation of traditional business, different kind of commercial banks pay more attention to the intermediary business. This will promote the development of intermediary business in our country. National small and medium-sized shareholding commercial bank should adopt corresponding countermeasures and keep advantage in this business. At the same time, promote the further development of the intermediary business.Based on the analysis and conclusion of empirical research, in order to promote the intermediary business in our country’s commercial banks, especially national small and medium-sized shareholding commercial banks, this paper put forward policy suggestions in macro-and microscopic level. Mainly includes: changing the mode of economic growth and promoting national economic development; deepening the reform of the distribution system and improving the people’s living standards; strengthening the construction of financial system and stimulating financial market vitality; perfecting legal laws and regulations system and regulating the market order; promoting the formation mechanism of interest rate and piloting the mixing management mode; improving the understanding about intermediary business and changing the traditional ideas; strengthening management of assets and improving risk awareness; improving innovation ability and making the differentiation strategy; investing more, increasing facilities construction and improving personnel trainning.
摘要4-8Abstract8-101. 导论13-20 1.1 选题背景及意义13-14 1.2 国内外文献综述14-17 1.2.1 国外文献综述14-15 1.2.2 国内文献综述15-17 1.3 研究思路与方法17-18 1.4 研究框架18-202. 中间业务理论概述20-27 2.1 中间业务的界定20-23 2.1.1 中间业务的定义20-21 2.1.2 中间业务的分类21-22 2.1.3 中间业务的特点及变化22-23 2.2. 中间业务产生发展的理论依据23-273. 商业银行中间业务发展的现状分析27-34 3.1 国外商业银行中间业务的发展情况27-29 3.1.1 发展历史27 3.1.2 发展现状27-29 3.2 国内商业银行中间业务的发展情况29-34 3.2.1 发展历史29-30 3.2.2. 发展现状30 3.2.3 我国商业银行中间业务发展存在的问题30-344. 我国全国性中小股份制商业银行中间业务发展影响因素综合分析34-56 4.1 全国性中小股份制商业银行的界定34-35 4.2 中间业务发展的影响因素分析35-41 4.2.1 宏观经济因素35-40 4.2.2 微观经济因素40-41 4.3 全国性中小股份制商业银行中间业务影响因素实证分析41-56 4.3.1 指标的选取与定义42-44 4.3.2 数据样本选取44 4.3.3 模型的构建44-46 4.3.4 实证结果及分析46-54 4.3.5 实证结论54-565. 我国全国性中小股份制商业银行中间业务发展政策建议56-64 5.1 宏观策略56-60 5.1.1 改变经济增长方式,加快国家经济发展56-57 5.1.2 深化分配体制改革,提高人民生活水平57-58 5.1.3 加强金融体系建设,激发金融市场活力58 5.1.4 完善法律法规制度,指导业务有序发展58-59 5.1.5 放松金融管制,推动混业经营,促进利率市场化59-60 5.2 微观策略60-64 5.2.1 提高业务认识,明确业务定位,转变传统观念60 5.2.2 加强资产管理,增强风险防范意识60-61 5.2.3 增强创新能力,实行差异化战略61-62 5.2.4 加大设施建设,提高人才培养力度62-646. 本文总结与研究展望64-66 6.1 本文总结64 6.2 研究展望64-66参考文献66-69后记69-70致谢70