本文关键词: 环比涨幅 饲料产品 仔猪价格 猪粮比价 定点监测 生猪产品 价格情况 农村集贸市场 肉雏鸡 家禽产品 出处:《中国猪业》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In December 2016, the prices of live pig products, poultry products, cattle and sheep products and feed products increased. The prices of eggs and commercial broilers fell. According to the farmers' market monitoring caliber, This month's pig grain price is 8.95: 1, 0.20 points higher than last month (fig. 1) the price of live pigs rose by 0.20 points (fig. 1) the price of live pigs rose by 17.46 yuan / kg, the national average price of live pigs was 17.46 yuan / kg, which was 2.8% higher than last month's (the same number), compared with the same period last year (referred to as the same period for short). (table 1) from the regional point of view, the Northeast region had the largest increase in the month on month.
【作者单位】: 农业部畜牧业司监测分析处;全国畜牧总站行业统计分析处;
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