本文关键词: 中国 韩国 人参产业 产业国际竞争力 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The economic development of the world economy globalization is one of the most significant features. Under the background of economic globalization, the economic competition between countries and regions is more and more intense, focused on the international competitiveness of the industry, how to enhance the international competitiveness of the industry, is of great practical significance. The ginseng industry of China and South Korea is the important export industry. Chinese ginseng production a large, low value, weak international competitiveness, occupied the low-end international market, and Korean ginseng production of small, high value, strong international competitiveness, occupy the high-end international market. Although the export competitiveness of China ginseng products export competitiveness of Korean ginseng products than has been weak, but in 2011, the international market share of more than China ginseng products of Korean ginseng in international market share, the increasingly fierce competition. Based on the theory of absolute advantage, comparative advantage theory and national competitiveness theory, By using the methods of literature analysis, comparative analysis and qualitative analysis, the international competitiveness between China and Korea ginseng industry has carried on the comparative analysis. First, on basis of industrial competitiveness and the development of ginseng, divided into three aspects of development, development and innovation ability, which is the foundation of international competitiveness between China and Korea ginseng industry. Secondly, the use of international market share index, revealed comparative advantage index and trade competitiveness index three index, obtained by comparing method, the combination of theoretical and Empirical Analysis on the international competitiveness of Korean ginseng industry: (1) the international market share of Korean ginseng products from 2011 began to decline, the market share of the international market more than Chinese ginseng every year share of Korean ginseng international continued to improve; (2) Korean ginseng product has a competitive advantage over China ginseng products; (3) with the export competitiveness of Korean ginseng products A significant advantage, the export competitiveness of Chinese ginseng product has significant disadvantages. Thirdly, to Potter's "Diamond Model" as the theoretical basis, from the factors of production, demand conditions, organization structure, related and supporting industries, the six aspects of government and opportunity to explore Korean ginseng industry influence factors. Finally, draws the conclusion and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of development I in the ginseng industry.
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