本文选题:国民经济核算 + 机构部门 ; 参考:《中国统计》2003年05期
【摘要】:正 在总结十年来我国国民经济核算实 践经验和理论研究成果,广泛征求各方面意见和建议的基础上,国家统计局会同国务院有关部门对1992年颁布实施的《中国国民经济核算体系(试行方案)》进行了全面系统的修订,制定出了新的方案:《中国国民经济核算体系(2002)》。这套新方案基本上与新的国际标准——1993年SNA相衔接,能够更好地适应社会主义市场经济条件下宏观经济管理和对外交流工作的需要,是我国国民经济核算工作新的规范性文本。
[Abstract]:On the basis of summing up the practical experience and theoretical research results of China's national economic accounting over the past ten years, and extensively soliciting opinions and suggestions from all quarters, The National Bureau of Statistics, in conjunction with the relevant departments under the State Council, has made a comprehensive and systematic revision of the "China National Accounting system (trial Program)" promulgated and implemented in 1992, and has worked out a new plan: "China's National Accounting system (2002)". This new set of programs is basically linked to the new international standard, the 1993 SNA, and can better meet the needs of macroeconomic management and foreign exchange under the conditions of the socialist market economy. It is a new normative text of national economic accounting in China.
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