本文选题:原油期货 + 人民币汇率 ; 参考:《浙江财经大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In August 2014, international oil prices fell sharply, down more than 60%. At the same time, China's foreign dependence on crude oil reached 60.6% in 2015, and the impact of international oil prices on China's economic development increased year by year. In recent years, China has stepped up the construction of crude oil reserves and bought a large amount of foreign exchange to purchase crude oil. At present, 31 million 970 thousand tons of crude oil have been stored, equivalent to that of crude oil. China's net oil imports for 33-36 days in April.2015, China surpassed the United States and became the world's largest crude oil importer. On the one hand, the continued appreciation of the RMB began to face devaluation in 2013; on the other hand, China's economic growth began to slow down, and China's economic growth rate was 6.9% in 2015, lower than the 7.3%. in 2014 because of international crude oil. The price of crude oil will affect the domestic economy first through exchange rate. Under the background of China's economic slowdown, the instability of international oil price will pose a potential threat to the economic development of our country. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the relationship between the international crude oil price and the RMB exchange rate. On the basis of the existing research results, we use economics, finance and statistics related knowledge, theoretical analysis and empirical research to study the effect and volatility spillover effect between crude oil futures price and RMB exchange rate. First, the theoretical background and practical significance are clarified, and the domestic and foreign research is studied. The results are summarized and summarized, the existing method experience is summarized, and the method innovation is carried out on this basis, the corresponding hypothesis is put forward and the empirical scheme is designed to make a deeper description of the relationship between the research objects. Finally, the theory and the empirical analysis are used to collect the relevant data and carry on the demonstration to the international crude oil futures price and the RMB. The relationship between the exchange rate is calculated and measured, and the results are summarized and the corresponding suggestions and measures are put forward. In the theoretical research part, this paper analyzes the transmission mechanism between the international crude oil price and the RMB exchange rate in the theoretical part, and thinks that the impact of international crude oil price is mainly through the international balance of payments channels and the domestic economic channels to influence the people. The currency exchange rate, while the RMB exchange rate is transmitted to the international crude oil market through three ways of pricing, investment and money market. In the empirical research part, this paper selects the monthly data of the Brent crude oil futures contract price and the real exchange rate index of RMB as the research object in July 2005 -2016 year May. The wave decomposition method studies the multi-resolution characteristics of the decomposed time series. It is found that the Brent crude oil futures price and the RMB exchange rate fluctuated sharply in 2007 and 2014, and there was a common violent fluctuation in February June 2008 -2010. The wavelet correlation analysis of the sequence found that the crude oil futures price and the RMB exchange rate were found. There is a negative relationship between each other, and with the increase of the fluctuation period, the negative correlation is enhanced first and the strongest later decreases in the medium term. In addition, the wavelet interaction correlation method is used to analyze the leading lag relationship between the futures price of Brent oil and the RMB exchange rate. It is found that the spillover effect between the two parties reaches the maximum in the middle period, and there are strong 2-3 stagnates in the middle period. Then, the cross wavelet decomposition method is used to study the time frequency characteristics of the sequence, and it is found that the Brent crude oil futures price and the RMB exchange rate change at any time in different periods, and the two people in the -2011 year in 2007 have a strong correlation in the medium and long term. On the one hand, this paper is a useful supplement to the existing results, and makes up for the shortage of the research results of the crude oil futures price and the RMB exchange rate. On the other hand, the maximum overlapping discrete wavelet analysis and cross small wave analysis method used in this paper make up for the current Research on the price of crude oil futures and. The insufficiency of the RMB exchange rate method can not only reveal the fluctuation characteristics and the common fluctuation characteristics of the economic variables in different periods of fluctuation, reflect the relationship and relationship intensity among the variables, but also reflect the time frequency characteristics of the time series, and reveal the leading lag relationship and the spillover effect between the time series at different volatility periods and the spillover effect side. Direction and strength.
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