[Abstract]:With the increase of economic income and the improvement of quality of life, the demand for flower and horticultural products is increasing and the direction of demand is diversifying. Zhejiang, Guangdong, Yunnan, Jiangsu are the key flower production and marketing areas in China, the national key flower enterprises, flower markets are mostly distributed in these provinces and regions. Some time ago, the author visited Hongyue, Zhejiang Province, Senghe in Zhejiang, Green Wall in Hangzhou, Chencun Flower World in Guangdong, Donan Flower City in Kunming, Zheng Jilanbao Flowers Company in Yunnan, and the Rose Manor in Yunnan, Kunming poplar rose and Changzhou Jialu 9 key flower enterprises, the current domestic upscale flower production, flower derivatives research and development and application, flower and material comprehensive trade, flower market
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