[Abstract]:Food security has been closely related to people's livelihood since ancient times. Nowadays, the low self-sufficiency rate of grain, the prominent contradiction of grain variety structure and the increasing gap of production and demand are the three major problems puzzling the food security in Hohhot region. Based on the supply-side angle, grain yield safety is the basis point above all other food problems. In this paper, the trend yield and fluctuating yield of grain in Hohhot are investigated from the perspective of long-term and short-term fluctuation, and the key factors affecting the fluctuation of grain yield are verified. First of all, this paper estimates and analyzes the fluctuation characteristics of Huhhot grain production from three aspects. The main contents are as follows: based on the index of fluctuation index, the period, amplitude and type of fluctuation of total grain yield are investigated. Based on variance decomposition of fluctuation index, the contribution rate of grain yield fluctuation of different varieties to total yield fluctuation in each cycle is analyzed. Based on EMD algorithm, grain yield fluctuation in Hohhot region is decomposed. Secondly, the paper makes empirical research on the influencing factors of the fluctuation of total grain yield in this area. According to the forming mechanism of grain yield fluctuation, the influence of natural climate (seasonal variation) and production factors on grain yield was analyzed by AHP. The influence and trend of each index on grain yield fluctuation were obtained. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Natural climate is the key factor of grain yield fluctuation in this area, and the cycle of natural climate on grain yield is identical to that of total grain yield for 3 years; (2) the urban and rural dual economic structure was formed in the urban and rural areas of Hohhot city district and suburb, and the trend of replacing agricultural labor with capital gradually appeared; (3) the diversified planting structure was beneficial to reduce the fluctuation of grain yield and resist the fluctuating risk. In view of the above conclusions, the following suggestions are put forward in this paper in order to stabilize the grain production in this area and reduce the influence of adverse factors on grain production. The main contents are as follows: (1) improving agricultural infrastructure, especially irrigation and water conservancy construction; (2) increasing agricultural capital input into;. (3) optimizing crop planting structure; (4) perfecting grain condition detection and warning mechanism; (5) speeding up the promulgation of the grain law.
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