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发布时间:2018-12-16 11:43
【摘要】:近来越来越多的学术书籍出现在图书市场,如何辨别图书的优劣成为每位读者需要考虑的问题。因此,作为图书信誉评价工具的书评逐渐引起人们更多的关注。书评可以对--本书的理论观点、质量、学术水平、以及使用价值等方面进行评价,通常具有一种纲要式语类结构,即引介阶段、概述阶段、评价阶段。书评作者通常会在前两个阶段对学术书籍进行简要、客观的介绍,而在评价阶段对书籍的学术价值进行褒优贬劣的判断。因此,评价阶段因其具有丰富的评价资源(尤其是介入资源)而被人们看作学术书评的灵魂,其中体现的评价策略很值得系统的研究。本研究基于自建的语料库,以马丁和怀特的评价理论为框架,对40篇语言类学术书评进行系统地探讨,研究其评价阶段中介入资源的分布规律及介入意义的实现手段。 本研究的语料来自以下三本语言学杂志Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of English for Academic Purposes和Journal of Second Language Writing及语言学网站http.//linguistlist.org/pubs/reviews/o为使分析更具可操作性及可信性,本文所选的40篇书评数据都是经仔细筛选,确定具有典型语类结构的书评,即所有书评都具有引介、概述及评价三个阶段。研究采取定量与定性相结合的分析方法:定量分析主要借助UAM CorpusTool2.6.7软件,揭示各个介入子系统在英语学术书评中的分布规律及运用情况,而定性分析则对其中介入意义的实现手段进行了解释并阐释了如何应用评价策略来实现人际意义。 研究发现可以归结为以下几点:1)英语学术书评的评价阶段中含有大量的介入意义资源,出现次数高达812次。2)介入呈现不同的运用频率,其中扩展介入出现的频率(52.2%)明显高于紧缩资源(47.8%)。3)在所有介入资源中,扩展性对话中的接受资源最多。这一点是与书评的评价阶段的特征相一致的。接受资源的使用模糊了其主体间立场,一方面,对书籍的价值进行褒优贬劣的判断可以突显书评作者的评价姿态和专家权威;另一方而,又可以使书的作者更易接受评论,从而提高书评的说服力,促进学术的发展。4)反对资源在紧缩资源中比例较大,其中让步结构出现频率较大,大概每篇书评中就有3.9个让步结构,而且让步连接词however使用的频率最 本研究运用评价理论分析了学术书评中的介入意义,具有重要的理论及现实意义。首先,本研究不仅可以以丰富评价理论的应用,同时拓宽了学术书评的研究领域。其次,研究的发现和分析有助于书评作者更好地把握微妙复杂的评价策略,从而提高学术书评的说服力。此外,本研究也对教学提出了启示。它可以增进学生对学术书评的了解,让其明白怎样利用评价手段更好地表达自己的观点,进而提高其写作技巧。
[Abstract]:As more and more academic books appear in the book market recently, how to distinguish the merits and demerits of books becomes a problem for every reader to consider. Therefore, as a book reputation evaluation tool, book review gradually attracted more attention. Book reviews can be used to evaluate the theoretical viewpoint, quality, academic level, and use value of the book. It usually has a kind of synoptic structure, that is, the introduction stage, the overview stage, and the evaluation stage. Book reviewers usually give a brief and objective introduction to the academic books in the first two stages, and judge the academic value of the books in the evaluation stage. Therefore, the evaluation stage is regarded as the soul of academic book review because of its rich evaluation resources (especially intervention resources), and the evaluation strategy embodied in it is worthy of systematic study. Based on the self-built corpus and based on the evaluation theory of Martin and White, this study systematically discusses 40 academic book reviews of language, and studies the distribution of intervention resources and the means to realize the significance of intervention in the evaluation stage. The corpus of this study comes from the following three linguistic journals, Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of English for Academic Purposes and Journal of Second Language Writing, and http.//linguistlist.org/pubs/reviews/o, a linguistic website, in order to make the analysis more operational and credible. The data of 40 book reviews selected in this paper are carefully screened to determine the book reviews with typical genre structure, that is, all book reviews have three stages: introduction, summary and evaluation. The research adopts the combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. The quantitative analysis mainly uses UAM CorpusTool2.6.7 software to reveal the distribution and application of various intervention subsystems in English academic book reviews. The qualitative analysis explains the means of realizing interventional meaning and explains how to use evaluation strategy to realize interpersonal meaning. The findings can be summed up as follows: 1) the evaluation stage of English academic book reviews contains a large number of resources of intervention meaning, and the frequency of intervention is as high as 812 times. 2) intervention presents different frequency of application. The frequency of expanded intervention (52.2%) was significantly higher than that of constrictive resources (47.8%). This is consistent with the characteristics of the evaluation stage of the book review. On the one hand, judging the value of books can highlight the evaluation attitude of book reviewers and the authority of experts; On the other hand, it can make it easier for the author of the book to accept comments, thus enhancing the persuasiveness of the book review and promoting academic development. 4) it is opposed to the larger proportion of resources in the tight resources, in which the concessional structure appears more frequently. There are about 3.9 concessional structures in each book review, and the frequency of the use of the concessional connective however is the most important one. This study uses the evaluation theory to analyze the intervention significance in the academic book review, which is of great theoretical and practical significance. Firstly, this study not only enriches the application of evaluation theory, but also widens the research field of academic book review. Secondly, the findings and analysis of the study can help the book reviewers better grasp the delicate and complex evaluation strategies and thus enhance the persuasiveness of the academic book reviews. In addition, this research also provides the enlightenment to the teaching. It can enhance students' understanding of academic book reviews and how to express their views better by means of evaluation, and then improve their writing skills.


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