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发布时间:2019-04-18 22:13
[Abstract]:Taking Swales's genre theory as an analytical framework, this paper discusses the genre characteristics of Chinese students in the use of predicate language through a detailed analysis of the foreword part of one hundred English major master's papers. The results show that by choosing certain types and verbs, most students can establish their own research fields and their own research space with the help of the means of reprosody. The results show that the majority of students are able to establish their own research field and their own research space by choosing certain types and verbs. But the study also found some problems. Some of the students lack enough understanding of the importance of the predicate in the preface of the thesis, which shows that they do not use it or use it less; Compared with other methods, Chinese students prefer to use "author embedding / reproducing verbs" reference, while Chinese students are limited to using a limited number of retelling verbs, and use a large number of general present tense. The purpose of Chinese students' use of predicative language is to increase the authority of personal research, but lack of critical evaluation of previous studies. Therefore, the power to achieve the purpose of discourse communication has also been weakened.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学外文学院;


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