代数方程 在 电力工业 分类中 的翻译结果
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微分-代数方程 目前没有对本词条修改信息
differential-algebraic equations
Numerical integration of systems of delay differential-algebraic equations
The numerical solution of the initial value problem for a system of delay differential-algebraic equations is examined in the framework of the parametric continuation method.
Parameterization of differential-algebraic equations with retarded argument
Multistep numerical methods for functional-differential-algebraic equations
Perturbation index of linear partial differential-algebraic equations with a hyperbolic part
differential-algebraic equations
Numerical integration of systems of delay differential-algebraic equations
The numerical solution of the initial value problem for a system of delay differential-algebraic equations is examined in the framework of the parametric continuation method.
Parameterization of differential-algebraic equations with retarded argument
Multistep numerical methods for functional-differential-algebraic equations
Perturbation index of linear partial differential-algebraic equations with a hyperbolic part
differential algebraic equations
Conditions for partitioning a system of differential algebraic equations into weakly coupled subsystems
Systems of differential algebraic equations are examined.
On a nonlinear self-adjoint eigenvalue problem for certain differential algebraic equations of index 1
A method for solving nonlinear spectral problems for a class of systems of differential algebraic equations
A numerical procedure for solving the resulting differential algebraic equations is presented on the basis of the Newmark direct integration method combined with the Newton-Raphson iterative method.
differential-algebraic equations
Numerical integration of systems of delay differential-algebraic equations
The numerical solution of the initial value problem for a system of delay differential-algebraic equations is examined in the framework of the parametric continuation method.
Parameterization of differential-algebraic equations with retarded argument
Multistep numerical methods for functional-differential-algebraic equations
Perturbation index of linear partial differential-algebraic equations with a hyperbolic part
in this article we study a single machine infinite bus system determin ed by a static load model. The mathematicalmodel of the power system is a differential algebraic equation (DAE). By using t he eigenvalue analysis. the upper branch ofthe equilibrium curve is stable while the lower branch is stable except for a sm all section of Q, between 11. 410 8 and 11. 411 5.This is different from the results of ordinary differential equation (ODE) model determined by both static load and dynamicload (Waive model)....
in this article we study a single machine infinite bus system determin ed by a static load model. The mathematicalmodel of the power system is a differential algebraic equation (DAE). By using t he eigenvalue analysis. the upper branch ofthe equilibrium curve is stable while the lower branch is stable except for a sm all section of Q, between 11. 410 8 and 11. 411 5.This is different from the results of ordinary differential equation (ODE) model determined by both static load and dynamicload (Waive model). To study the voltage collapse process of the system, we anal yse the bifurcation phenomenon near thesingular point. By using the singularity theory, the singular point of the DAE s ystem is found to be a limit point. Then byprojecting the differential equation on the (V, co) -plane. a singular ODE is ob tained. From the analysis of the phase portraitfor the singular ODE, the system is found to collapse by going through the singu lar surface. A simpler method is given toidentify the impasse point of the system and is used to prove that for the phase portrait near bifurcation value Q?. almostevery point on the singular surface is an impasse point. This method simplifies previous one by Chua et al.. and can beimplemented easily in numerical software.This project is supported by National Key Basic Research Special Fund of China ( No. G1998020307) and National NaturalScience Foundation of China (No. 19990510).
研究一个由静态负荷决定的单机无穷大系统 ,它的数学模型是一个微分代数方程 (DAE)。利用特征值分析方法 ,我们发现模型的平衡解曲线的上支是稳定的 ,下支则除了介于 1 1 .41 0 8和1 1 .41 1 5之间非常小的一段曲线外 ,都是稳定的。这与由静态负荷以及动态负荷 (Walve模型 )所决定的微分方程 (ODE)模型情况不同。为了研究系统电压失稳的模式 ,分析其奇点附近的分岔现象。利用奇点理论 ,计算出奇点为极限点。然后 ,通过把 DAE的微分方程部分投影在 (V,ω)面上 ,得到奇异微分方程。文中给出了用来判断障碍 (impasse)点的一种较简单的方法 ,并用以验证对于分岔值处奇异面上几乎所有的点都是障碍点。奇异微分方程的相图显示出系统在奇异面附近的失稳过程
In this paper,the theory and method of feedback linearization technique of controlling differential algebraic system are first presented.Some new definitions of M derivative, M bracket and etc.to differential algebraic systems are given,which is similar to the definitions and theorems in classical differential geometry theory,a series of new result to differential algebraic system control is given,which extend further the applied scope of nonlinear control system geometry theory.Because many power systems...
In this paper,the theory and method of feedback linearization technique of controlling differential algebraic system are first presented.Some new definitions of M derivative, M bracket and etc.to differential algebraic systems are given,which is similar to the definitions and theorems in classical differential geometry theory,a series of new result to differential algebraic system control is given,which extend further the applied scope of nonlinear control system geometry theory.Because many power systems are modeled by differential algebraic model,and the loads of power systems are frequently the nonlinear expression of voltage and frequency,in addition,there are many problem of optimal control in practical engineering,these control problem above can be solved by using the M derivative, M bracket and so on.The designs of nonlinear excitation control of power systems with nonlinear loads can be applied by the feedback linearization technique of controlling differential algebraic systems,which make the differential geometry methods get more extensive application in the study of power system control.
首次提出了用于控制微分代数系统的反馈线性化技术理论和方法 ,类似于经典的微分几何理论中的定义和定理 ,给出关于微分代数系统的M导数、M括号等一些新的定义 ,并给出了有关微分代数系统控制的一系列新结果 ,进一步拓广了非线性系统几何理论的应用范围。考虑到大多数电力系统模型都是采用微分代数模型 ,而且电力系统的负荷往往是电压和频率的非线性表达式 ,另外在实际工程中也常基金项目 :国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G19980 2 0 30 0 ) ;中国博士后基金资助项目。ProjectSupportedbySpecialFundoftheNationalPriorityBasicResearch(G19980 2 0 30 0 ) .常遇到求非线性微分代数方程的最优控制解 ,引入微分代数系统的M导数、M括号等定义可较好地解决这类控制问题。利用控制微分代数系统的反馈线性化技术 ,能很好地应用于具有非线性负荷的电力系统非线性励磁控制的设计 ,使微分几何方法在电力系统控制研究中得到更广泛的应用
It is very important for an interconnected power system under the m arketing circumstance to quantitatively analyze its stability on- line for tracking the actual operation condition and make decision for stability control adaptively.Preventive control and emergency control have been studied separately till now.In this paper,coordination between them is form ulated as a nonlinear hybrid programm ing on logic- difference- differential- algebraic equations with m any constraints including stability. The objective...
It is very important for an interconnected power system under the m arketing circumstance to quantitatively analyze its stability on- line for tracking the actual operation condition and make decision for stability control adaptively.Preventive control and emergency control have been studied separately till now.In this paper,coordination between them is form ulated as a nonlinear hybrid programm ing on logic- difference- differential- algebraic equations with m any constraints including stability. The objective function is the sum of the daily cost for preventive control and the probabilistic cost for em ergency control. An optimization procedure is proposed for the coordination,which integrates the unique EEAC technique for quantitative analysis of stability and a hybrid programm ing for non- convex nonlinear optim ization. This procedure refreshes the decision table in a sub- real- time fashion.
研究了预防控制与紧急控制的互补性 ;强调在线预决策对暂态稳定控制的重要性 ;指出量化分析是决策优化的一个关键。指出预防控制和紧急控制的协调对电力市场下互联电网安全经济运行非常重要 ,并提出协调控制的数学模型、框架和逻辑—差分—微分—代数方程的稳定性分析和控制优化方法。
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