PDS制度是由中央及州政府操控的。中央政府在各处有分部。目前,UPA政府的PDS部长是SARAD PAWAR。在FCI的帮助下,中央政府按要求向州政府履行采购、存储、运输和提供食物的责任。只有在州政府和中央政府的共同努力下,这个体系才有可能在整个印度实行。PDS计划下主要的四样物品是:糖、大米、小麦和煤油。有些州也提供一些额外的货品,比如衣服,练习本,盐,无线电和茶叶等。每个州都有责任使方案成功运行,帮助BPL认定有需要的和根据年基本收入给予定量供应卡的人。
Public distribution system is well known for the distribution of food grains and manages food grains to meet scarcity of food at the time of drought and famine in the country. Prime responsibilities of PDS is to provide basic necessity to the farmer at affordable price. In the last two decades it has become an important part of the government .it motto of forming is to make available the entire requirement of house hold commodities are required for a family.
PDS is being operated by central as well as state government. central government has separate ministry for this .in current time SARAD PAWAR is the minister of PDS under UPA government .central government with the help of FCI fulfill the responsibilities for procurement, storage, transportation and provided food grains to state government as per requirement. It going in the all part of India it has been only possible only with the contribution of state and central both. mainly four things comes under the PDS scheme are sugar, rice, wheat and kerosene.bt some of the state also distributed some extra goods such as Cloths, exercise book, salt, pulses and tea etc.state has responsibilities to run the scheme very successfully and help the needy people more so for identification of BPL and downthrown people they are given ration card on the basis of there basic yearly income.
The department of public distribution has given very prime responsibility to management of food in economic year of the country. Two more essential intention of the department to ensure remuneration and genuine & affordable price for farmer. The department introduced a scheme for minimum support price to the producer of the paddy and food grains and distribution of food grain from central. The department has also responsibilities to watch needy ,BPL and poor farmers are getting proper support on not and there should be no discrimination and biasness from any means or with any section of people .it Moto is to support weaker section of society and uplift there moral andeconomical status in the society. It is running very successfully and supporting many families especially in village
Till the year 1992 public distribution system was common for all the masses and it had no spiffy target .we can say it was working target less .revamped public distribution system was launched in the year 1992 in 1975 block through the country. But TPDS started working in the month July in the year 1997.
Import and export of rice, wheat and food grains
Policies and planning for targeted public distribution system
Buffer stocking policies and matter relating to food security
Storage facilities for the maintence of central reserve of wheat, rice and food grains
Research and dissemination of the techniques of scientific storage of wheat, rice, and coarse grains.
Quality control of wheat, rice, and coarse grains produced, storage and distributed by various public agencies in the country.
When scheme was launched first it had target to facility at least 6 corer poor families for fulfillment of their needs it had estimated that at least 72 lakh tones food grains would be requried annually to reach the need of all the poor families that had been maintain in the government record. the identification of poor families had been done by state government with the help of planning commission report 1993-1994 based on the mythology of the” Expert Group on estimation of proportion and number of poor “headed by late prof Lakdawala.the allocation of the food grain had been made by basic average consumption in the past average consumption had been taken for last decade at time of introduction of TPDS.
This report had given complete information and information about BPL this help to state as well as central to make further plane that how and where money could be spended and which state required more food ,money to uplift the condition of poor families in the state
TDPS下的BPL家庭认证——Identification of BPL families under TPDS
In the year 1996 general consensus was made by central government to identify the BPL families in all part of India. And now it was the responsibility of TDPS to cover the all the BPL families to provide them basic needs at affordable price. All the data regarding BPL came with the help of expert shade by planning commission used methodology it was headed by late professor Lakadawala. The BPL family was judged by on the basis of population, projection of the registrar general of India for 1995. And the state wise poverty was estimated in the year 1993-94. By the help of planning commission it was determined that 596.23 lakhs BPL family lying over India. Guidelines for implementing the TPDS where issued in which the state government to identify BPL family involving nagarpalika and gram panchayat also. While selecting BPL family several criteria has been taken care like yearly income of income of common masses and capacity of farmer and it's on land. It was mainly focused in the rural and semi urban areas of the India. In the BPL section mostly people like rickshaw puller, cart puller, fruit and flower seller and daily wages earner and landless farmers came under BPL.The number of BPL family has been increased… WEF 1/12/2000. By shifting the base of population projection of the registrar general of India. it was drastic increased in the number of BPL families so it was a great matter of concern for central as well as state government to cope with this great problem which is increasing drastally .total number of BPL families has increased and reached 625.03 lakh as compare to June 1997 it was only 596.03 lakh.
They have also included those house hold has been running by widows or terminally ill persons physically challenged person was also included in these category and person of age of 60 or more has been also included in this section and they are plan to give the commodities at more subsidize rate.
Person of age more than 60 years,physically challanged,widows,and terminally ill person of Family consists only one men or women also they have also given some especial privileged to these type of people in the society .widows or terminally ill person aged 60 years or more or singal women or single men with no family or social support or assured means of assured means of subsistence.
RICE 8.30 5.56 3.00
WHAT 6.10 4.15 2.00
In accordance with the commitment of the government to make hunger free India and reform PDS for providing better services to the masses and made India hunger free for this intention a scheme in year 2000 had been started .The CIP for AAY category was kept lowest of RS 2 per kg for rice and RS 3 per kg for wheat .the number of AAY household have been increased to 2.5 crores.
A revised citizen charter has been issued in July 2007 for adoption and implementation by state & UT governments for faciliting its use citizen as per provision of right to information act 2005 in relation to functioning of the TPDS.
For making proper supplies and making the goods available at all time .public distribution system order 2001 has been notified on august 31 2001.The order mainly contains provisions with regard to these are following issues
Identification of BPL families
proper ration cards for all
Scale and issues price
It was order given by central government that all state and union territory should be fair enough that there BPL families must be poorest of the poor and the list should be made not on the basis of irrelevant either it should must be based on proper data. They should given to each and every BPL families proper ration card and check proper time to time and there should not be any kind of nepotism or beaurocracy.It is now state responsibilities to cheack about work and its progress and report should should be given to central government at proper interval of time and there is any ambiguity of distribution system it must be removed and guilty person must be jailed .The state government or UTs are also to ensure issues of utilization certificates conforming that the food grains have been lifted and distributed to the intended beneficiaries under the TPDS.An offer committed in violation of the provision of this order shall invoke criminal liabilities under the essential commodities act 1955.now this act is so pro active and it is working as it is expected to do so with ought the effort of state government vigil it cannot work properly so government need to be so fair and active enough to cope criminisation because these type of scheme are indeed fruitful for masses of all the country epically for villagers and poor .For these type of scheme common masses must be aware that it of program of for what and what government is providing to theme and what is they are getting it is of well standard how much they are paying is it fair or not more than government price or not.
the green revolution and white revolution a vast network of agriculture research and education institutional ,revitalization of revitalization of extension system with the help of information and communication technologies.
Empowering the farmer through easy availability of rural credit along with farmers friendly fair price support mechanism to a well functioning public procumbent and distribution system.
The record food grains for public distribution system already touches 47 million metric tones it is great achievement in the support of common masses and they have target to just make it double within a decade.
In the year 2007-2008 it was great production of rice and wheat has shown it is said this year that 227 million tonnes and epically rice has shown great hope of progress of 175 million tones out of 227 million tones.
The increased in India of price of rice has been shown modest with 7 & 8% respectively for wheat and rice as in compression to global market price increment of rice and wheat as global price of wheat and rice has increased 76 and 61% respectively during last year.
Intention of India is not only to produces much rice and wheat but also pulses in coming decade. Production of the food product is not enough it is required to enhance the condition of farmer and make them aware to use modern technology and make India hunger free because India has to shown its great contribution in global world .
Food and livelihood security are major concern of a developing country even a develop country has also god contribution of this sector .So many developing country has raised voice to give especial attention over agriculture and agriculture fully dependent country need especial package and good support from developed country it a matter of great discussion in last DOHA development round of negation in the WTO.In DOHA round India has played a pivotal role to raise the voice for the development of agriculture and there would be more research should be related to development in coming dacade.India is committed to a successful pro-development conclusion of DOHA round trade liberalization in agriculture must take adequately take into account the livelihood and security concern of poor and vulnerable farmers in the developing and third world country.
Government of india commited to ensure food security to all and make available essential commodities to all the common masses specialy weaker section society at affordable price through the help of public distributive system . with this objective in the mind pds was recognized in jume 1997 with one intention to focus BPL family of india and thy will be given 20 kg food grain per month at 50% of cost. This is estimated that it will be benifited for 33 crore living under poverty line in the country while population above poverty line will continue to get food grains at economical cost through the fair price shop. The estimated sunsidiary for gaining the target public distribution system would required Rs 7457 crore per year. food security is ensured through the system of processment of food grain there shortage , movement ,public distribution and maintenance buffer stock. Adequate size of buffer stock of good grains is an essential element of national fodder policy. Food grains in buffer is necessary not only limited inport inter seasonial stability of food grain of supply and price but also to ensure food security and meet management adverce situation arising from out of unexpected reduction in crops area natural disaster etc. food grain program is on the minimum support price offer by government .rice is also being produced under levy from rice mills at price announce seperatly for each state in the country . wheat procurement has touched an all high during the ruby marketing seasion in 2000-2001 with the procurement reaching about 157.82 lac ton as on june 7 2000 as against the total procurement of 141.43 lakh tones during the last year. The ministry has started a citizen's charter for imparting essential information to the public on entitled of BPL families quality of food grains procedsive of the issues of ration card inspection and cheating ,right to information vigilance as well as public participation with the objective of strengthen the public distribution system and to ensure that the benefit of PDS that must have now reach to all the poor and bpl families in the country.During the year the ministry had needs special allocation of food grains to orrisa for cyclone relief to provided them basic commodities at more subsidize rate for badly affected victim to provide even free. In reply of this government has raised its fund and announced to give 39670 tonnes. Special allocation of 526462 tonnes and 419205 tonnes of food grains are given to rajsthan and gujrat respectively and Andhra Pradesh for relief operation in draught affected area in these state. These allocation were for distribution of 20 kg per family per month to both BPL and APL at different rate like APL would not get much subside as BPL will be given.