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发布时间:2016-04-19 07:38


摘 要



With China's openness to international markets and the rapid development of the construction industry, construction companies are facing fierce competition in the market. Due to the long duration of the project, most big investment, participation, organization factors such as complex, the construction enterprises in the course of project implementation from beginning to end in the changing physical and social environment, facing all kinds of construction cost risk. Risk management elements of cost of engineering cost due to various factors of uncertainty, resulting in construction enterprise of high implementation costs and low profits, exhibition engineering cost of construction project risk management is highly desirable.

Based on the composition and characteristics of engineering cost analysis demonstrates the project implementation process there may be a risk factor. Application of risk management principles, combined with the characteristics of the project, presented the basic method for project risk analysis, and risk identification, risk assessment, risk management and risk monitoring, risk management process was studied.
Keywords: Construction work; Project cost management; Based on process management


摘 要 2
1 引言 1
2 工程造价防范的意义 2
3 工程造价风险的类型及识别 4
3.1 工程造价风险的类别 4
3.2 工程造价风险的识别 5
4 工程风险防范的措施与策略 8
4.1 投标阶段工程造价风险控制 8
4.2 施工阶段的工程造价风险控制 8
4.3 竣工结算阶段的工程造价风险控制 10
结论 11
参考文献 12

1 引言



本文着重研究了施工造价风险管理系统的运行原理,并且将之与实践结合,贯穿到整个施工全过程当中,每一个环节都离不开此系统,从施工开始到最后施工的结束,系统看似一直在间歇性地做着重复的事情,但那确实能够为施工企业带来巨大的利益。此系统的一般运行过程为:对对价格风险管理的预测、计划、控制 、核算。在现代建筑工程项目中有着举足轻重的地位。


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