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发布时间:2016-04-21 08:40

Chapter1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
With the pace of global economic integration, the relationship of the people all around the world has become closer. There is no doubt that English has widely used in international affairs, business and people’s daily life. Nowadays, learning English has received more and more attention and emphasis. The importance of English learning is  obviously.  However,  English  and  Chinese  are  belong  to  two  different  language families, and each of them has their own complete system and quite different cultural backgrounds. The Chinese students will encounter many difficulties and obstacles in the  English  learning  process.  Their  mother  tongue  bring  to  the  learner  is  one  of  the difficulties  they  encounter.  Chinese  students  learn  English  for  decades  from  their primary to university altogether, but Chinglish could still be found everywhere in their English  writing.  In  the  process  of  learning  English,  the  mother  tongue’s  transfer function is inevitable, so the second language acquisition is a complex process. Language  transfer  has  been  a  center  issue  in  the  second  language  acquisition research for a long time. As an adult, they have the complete knowledge structure of their  mother  tongue  and  strong  logical  reasoning  ability,  but  their  language  custom has  formed.  So  their  mother  tongue’s  interference  to  the  second  language  learning process  is  inevitable.  The  language  teaching  researchers  began  to  study  language transfer phenomenon in the 1950s, the research has experienced an iterative process. Language  transfer  can  be  divided  into  three  phases.  The  first  stage  is  from  the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. At this stage, language transfer is regarded as an  influential  factor  in  second  language  acquisition.  The  content  of  the  research mainly include the confirmation method and scope of transfer and how to quantify the impact of transfer. The second stage is start form the mid 1970s to the early 2000s.At this stage, the researchers continue the former study and adding lots of new contents, such as the causes of transfer and directionality issues of transfer influence.

1.2 Significance and Purpose of Research 
English writing as an important part of students’ communicative competence in foreign  language,  is  a  kind  of  cross-cultural  communication  behavior.  It  is  the  most basic skills in English to reflect a student’s comprehensive ability. With the respect to the  student’s  native  language  writing,  English  writing  requires  much  more  about students’  language  application  skills  and  strategy  skills.  In  second  language acquisition  and  foreign  language  teaching,  the  discussion  of  negative  transfer  has carried out for nearly a century. There are lots of relative researches about the impact of  negative  transfer  in  students’  English  writing.  But  in  actual  English  writing,  the negative transfer phenomenon of mother tongue still exists. Although English majors learn  many  years  of  English  grammar  and  language  knowledge,  but  they  still  have great  number  of  stubborn  errors  in  English  writing.  These  errors  are  obviously influenced  by  their  mother  tongue.  The  errors  which  caused  by  negative  transfer  of mother  tongue  has  became  one  of  the  main  obstacles  in  the  process  of  students’ English  writing.  How  to  use  the  appropriate  theory  and  method  to  understand  and analyze the error, not only for foreign language teaching has significance, but also for how  to  improve  students’  application  ability  has  important  function.  In  previous studies,  the  study  objects  always  non-English  majors.  However,  negative  transfer phenomenon  also  exists  in  the  learning  process  of  English  majors.  This  paper  use comparative analysis, error analysis and language transfer as the foundation, to study the real impact of negative transfer of mother tongue in English writing and teaching. So  as  to  make  students  correctly  understand  negative  transfer  of  mother  tongue, giving  full  play  to  the  function  of  positive  transfer  of  mother  tongue  and  seek  the countermeasures  to  overcome  the  negative  transfer.  Finally,  helping  students gradually  reduce  the  negative  transfer  and  improve  their  English  writing  skills  and English learning ability. 

Chapter 2 Literature review

2.1 The theories on Language transfer
Language  transfer  is  the  important  issue  in  the  field  of  second  language acquisition  for  a  long  time.  Over  half  a  century,  the  study  of  language  transfer  has experienced a tortuous and complicated development stage. Overall, from the rise of language transfer to today, it has gone through two stages of historical development: Comparative Analysis Hypothesis model and Inter-language Hypothesis. In the 1970s, markedness  theory  combines  language  difference  with  mark  relationship.  This  way explains  how  the  language  transfer  phenomenon  overcomes  the  insufficient  of  the language transfer in the view of behaviorist. By the late 1990s, Chomsky’s parameter theory  and  the  transfer  problem  in  Inter-language  characterization  have  become  hot issues. In recent years, our foreign language community is also concerned about the issues of language transfer, and all kinds of publications have appeared many articles about it. In the field of domestic English teaching, there are more and more researches on mother tongue transfer , and the perspective are different. Throughout the stages of development, the theory of language transfer at abroad and home appears as below. 

2.2 Related Theories 
Comparative analysis hypothesis, error analysis theory and inter-language theory have  the  relationship  of  inheritance  and  development  from  the  view  of  theoretical development.  The  comparative  analysis  theory  is  mainly  aims  to  compare  mother tongue with target language, it summarizes the interference rule of mother tongue to target  language  and  forecasting  the  difficulty  and  mistake  of  learners.  But  mother tongue  interference  can  just  predict  and  explain  the  part  of  errors,  so  when comparative analysis encounter difficulties in practice and the theoretical foundation are  challenged,  the  error  analysis  is  produced.  Error  analysis  has  more  predictive power  and  explanatory  power  than  comparative  analysis  for  foreign  language learners’ errors and difficulties. The study objects of error analysis theory is learners’ errors and this theory focus on the difference between target language form for use of learners  and  the  standard  form  of  target  language.  But  inter-language  theory  regard language  acquisition  as  center,  it  combines  comparative  analysis,  error  analysis  and language acquisition so as to establish a kind of dynamic language system of learners. The  intelanguage  research  often  applies  comparative  analysis  theory  and  error analysis  theory  from  the  perspective  of  research  method.  In  the  study  of  second language  acquisition,  the  present  tendency  is  to  carry  out  the  research  method  of comparative analysis and error analysis in the framework of inter-language study. 

Chapter 3 Research Methodology........23 
3.1 Research Question....23 
3.2 Research Object .......23 
3.3 Research Subject ......23 
3.4 Research Design and Procedure....24 
Chapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis .....26 
4.1 Questionnaire ....26 
4.2 Writing test........27 
4.3 Error Analysis in Negative Transfer.....28 
Chapter 5 Conclusion......44 
5.1 Findings......44 
5.2 Pedagogical Implications .......45 

Chapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis

4.1 Questionnaire

We can  find  that  a  large  proportion  of  students  realize  the  impact  of  their  own native  language  to  English  writing  from  the  data  feedback  of  questionnaires,  but students don’t know how to get rid of the impact of mother tongue customary thinking. The following are statistical data of the questionnaire. From the above data, most of the students would like to use Chinese thinking to design the English composition before writing. Although the students are aware of the negative impact on English learning process, they still consciously dependence on the mother  tongue.  Students  would  like  to  use  mother  tongue  to  design  the  content  and make a list of key points in Chinese, then translate these materials into English. Thus  it  can  be  seen  that  when  students  face  with  difficult  problems  in  English writing, Chinese is their savior. The investigation result shows that most of students would  like  to  borrow  their  mother  tongue  in  English  writing.  This  needs  teacher  to encourage and remind students to design the composition in English thinking mode, it also need the cooperation and efforts of the students at the same time. 




To learn and use a second language for Chinese students are affected by language transfer. In terms of college students, they have gone through many years of English education,  and  even  then,  the  learning  effect  of  English  is  generally  unsatisfactory. English  and  Chinese  are  quite  different,  students  due  to  lack  of  the  corresponding language environment, they are seriously affected by the negative transfer of mother tongue in the process of learning, causing students make a lot of mistakes in English writing.In  order  to  answer  two  research  questions,  this  study  regard  students  in  Jilin University  as  research  object  ,  using  the  research  method  of  quantitative  and qualitative and make in-class English writing test and questionnaire survey. Then use their  English  writing  as  the  sample  of  this  research  to  study  the  mother  tongue negative transfer on the basis of language transfer theory. From the data collection and analysis in the questionnaire and writing test, we found: First, from the result of questionnaire, the author found that most of the students have certain dependence to their mother tongue in English writing. In addition to use their mother tongue to design content, they also list the framework and the key points in Chinese and then translate them word for word into English. The survey result of questionnaire show that most of the students would like to use their native language without hesitate in the process of English writing. 
The reference (omitted)




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