海洋沉积动力学研究进展Research Progress of Marine Sediment Dynamics
发布时间:2016-04-29 11:52
海洋沉积动力学研究进展Research Progress of Marine Sediment Dynamics
Abstract: Marine sediment dynamics is located on the on the stage of rapid development, and there are many new researching directions, it can measure some indexes such as silt content,the bottom current, the bottom flow direction, then the accuracy of research can be improved, therefore it is necessary to study the development and developing trends of marine sediment dynamics, the main achievements are analyzed from different angle, and existing research achievements are summarized, then the new developing direction can be confirmed, and the application scale of it can be extended.
Key Words: Marine sediment dynamics; developing situation; application achievement
2 海洋沉积学示踪方法研究进展3 海岸带受损环境的恢复和整治研究进展
4 海岸带陆海相互作用机理研究进展
5 海底、海岸和沙漠大型沙丘的动力地貌研究进展
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