Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Since the formation, the cross-cultural pragmatics has made a rapid development. In the West, cross-cultural pragmatics was studied in the aspects of cross-cultural pragmatic linguistics, cross-cultural social pragmatics and inter-language pragmatics, and there have been many achievements. For example, Keenan carried out a control analysis on the language situations in the Malagasy Republic with the conversation cooperative principle in 1976 and found that the people there often did not follow the "quantitative criterion", "Although they have the required information, they often give less information to the hearer than required,", accordingly, she raised "shelving criterion". In 1983, Leach analyzed the differences of importance of each criterion in politeness principle under different cultures. In 1993, Casper and Bloom - Mikulka also published a book entitled Cross-cultural Pragmatics. China began to pay attention to cross-cultural pragmatics in the 1980s and 1990s, there were a number of papers discussing the studies on cross-cultural pragmatics, covering cross-cultural pragmatics contrast, cross-cultural pragmatic competence, cross-cultural pragmatic adaptation, cross cultural pragmatic failure, cross-cultural pragmatic stipulation. There have been some works associated with cross-cultural pragmatics, such as Deng Yanchang and Liu Runqing’s Language and Culture (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1989), Wang Fuxiang’s Collected Contrastive Linguistics Papers (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1992), Wang Dexing’s English Discourse Analysis and Intercultural Communication (Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 1998), Hu Wenzhong, Lin Dajin, Jia Yuxin and other scholars have also published a book entitled Cross-cultural Communication.
1.2 Research Questions
As indicated in the paper title, this study is to describe and explain the similarities and differences of request strategy in English and Chinese by comparisons based on actual surveys of Americans and Chinese. The choice of request act is mainly because it is widely used in various aspects of daily life, such as requesting others to pass the salt at dinner or requesting others to turn down the television when we sleep. From the studies of Lyons (1977), Searle (1979), Leech (1983), Searle & Vanderveken (1985) and Tsui (2000) on request act and our findings, it seems that we can make such a conclusion on request act: the speaker tries to get the hearer to do or stop doing something in communication, while the hearer is entitled to refuse or cooperate. It should be noted that request act is a future act, and should be within the hearer’s might. This definition can be fully confirmed in the most widely used habitually indirect request strategy. The strategy here doesn’t refer to the "morbid skill to please others " described by Braiker (2001) (in order to be so-called "good" man, the people’s act shall be consistent with the ten "must" requirements), but refers to a speaker’s taking full advantage of all the strategies he could think of and not being limited to a single language means so as to achieve the best communication effect when expressing the request in specific communicative context. In other words, speech strategy is to obtain the corresponding communicative purposes by using propriate vocabulary, grammatical structure, sentence selection, discourse arrangement and intonation treatment.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Cross-cultural Pragmatics
The first half of the 20th century saw the peak of structural linguistics. 60 years later, the changes of two aspects make linguistics study show a flourishing and contending situation. One is the lateral expansion. The linguistic study is no longer like what proclaimed by Chomsky, "the matter to be concerned about in linguistic theory is a conjectured speaker and hearer, the language of the community he lived is pure, and he understands the language of this community very much.", but begins to focus on language phenomenon, language function and language application in the real society, and social linguistics, functional linguistics, discourse linguistics, comparative linguistics, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics and other sub-disciplines emerged. The second is the vertical development. Linguistics study has no longer been like what was advocated by Bloomfield: "the description work of language is to make more stringent analysis on the language form and simultaneously assume that these language forms have a solid meaning which can be determined". In addition to the systematic study on the language structure, scholars also begin to give full attention to and study another important property – meaning, rather than is dwelled on the meaning assumption, which leads to the rise and development of semantics and pragmatics. Or, from the structure to the meaning and then to dynamic meaning, a Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics development venation of linguistics which is developing longitudinally has been formed.
2.2 Request Speech Act
Speech act theory is one of the important topics of the pragmatic study, which was raised by the linguist Austin in 1960s and 1970s. Language is not only a tool of describing the objective world, but an act--speech act. Later, the linguist Searle went further and took this theory as a theory that can explain human language communication. He believes the smallest unit of language communication is speech act. He systematically developed the speech act theory raised by Austin, provided linguistic philosophy as the theoretical basis for the speech act, clarified the classification principles and standards of speech acts, and further proposed the indirect speech act theory. Request speech act is widely used in a variety of sense of daily life, such as requesting others to pass the salt at dinner or requesting others to turn down the television when we sleep. From the studies of Lyons (1977), Searle (1979), Leech (1983), Searle & Vanderveken (1985) and Tsui (2000) on the request act and findings from many scholars in China, it seems that we can deduce such a understanding on the request act: the speaker tries to get the hearer to do or stop doing something in communication, while the hearer is entitled to refuse to cooperate. Cross-cultural studies have shown that individualism/collectivism, low context/high context are two broad dimensions related to cultural diversity, which largely control the cross-cultural communication.
Chapter Three Research Methodology .......22
3.1 Investigation Object....22
3.2 Investigation Tools and Implementation Methods .....22
Chapter Four Investigation Results and Analysis .....24
4.1 Differences of Request Strategy .....24
4.2 Cross-Cultural Factors ....29
4.3 Politeness Principles....35
4.4 Face Maxim .......40
Chapter Five Conclusion ....43
5.1 Major Findings .......43
5.2 Limitations of the Present Research........43
5.3 Suggestions for Future Research ........44
Chapter Four Investigation Results and Analysis
4.1 Differences of Request Strategy
4.1.1 Bald on Record Strategy
The studies of many scholars such as Searle (1976), Ervin -Tripp (1977), House (1986), Blum-kulka (1987), Blum-kulka & House (1089), Blum-kulka, et al (1989), Ellis (1994 ), Liao (1997) and Gibbs (1998) have found that the request act is completed generally with two communication strategies: bald on record strategy and off record strategy. Bald on record strategy is commonly achieved with imperative, performative or declarative sentences and off record strategy uses conventional indirect means and non-conventional indirect means (or hints). In summary, there are three methods: direct request strategy (eg:. Shut the window), conventional indirect strategy (eg: Can you shut the window?) and non-conventional indirect strategy (It’s cold here.). Table 1 clearly shows the Chinese and English people mostly adopt indirect communication strategies to achieve the request act, but the frequency of the former with direct strategy is significantly higher than the latter. Leech has said that the more indirect the more polite. Chinese group uses more direct strategies, does it mean they are rude, or English group is more polite? There is no doubt that the answer is negative. However, due to differences in cultural values, the politeness strategies of request act are also different, thus forming different request speech styles and resulting in the differences shown in the table above.
We come to the following conclusions based on the similarities and differences between Chinese and English request strategies discussed in this paper: (1) in the three request strategy types, conventional indirect strategy is the most frequently used request strategy; (2) the direct strategy in Chinese is an appropriate and effective way to express request, on the contrary, direct strategy is rarely used in English. Thus, in China, it is not accurate that more direct more polite, direct strategy would be more appropriate in many cases; (3) Upon completion of the request act, both primary act speech and secondary act speech reflect a distinct social and cultural characteristics. In cross-cultural communications, the correct use of English and Chinese request speech act can reduce barriers to communication and avoid many embarrassments, so as to achieve the purpose of successful communication. Through real evidence, this paper carries out a comparative analysis from two cultural value factors. There are also many factors affecting request speech acts, for example, one will treat different people according to their different ages, genders, the degree of their direct/indirect speech. There should be more extensive and deep studies on cross-cultural pragmatics in this field.
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